You have all probably heard that 'Abdu'l-Baha said if the local assembly decided to kill Him then those in the community should go along with it.  Thinking about this now it doesn't make sense to me.  As far as how Baha'is are to act, the Universal House of Justice sum it up:
 "...Baha'is obey the laws, Federal or state, unless submission to these laws amounts to a denial of their Faith.
 (Multiple Authors:  Lights of Guidance, Page: 450)
This being the case if the local assembly had decided to kill 'Abdu'l-Baha, shouldn't the other members of the community, instead of going along with it, make effort to prevent it from happening?  To kill 'Abdu'l-Baha would have been against the law, and Baha'is are to submit to laws unless they amount to a denial of their Faith.  Even if an assembly decision were regarded as Baha'i law, that would be subordinate to civil law.  Hence, I don't think one should obey assemblies even if the ask someone to break the law.  So why did 'Abdu'l-Baha say that?  Was He just trying to make a point about the authority of assemblies, figuring few people would notice that what He said wouldn't actually be what Baha'is are supposed to do?  I don't think a Baha'i has to murder an innocent man just because the assembly tells them to!

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