> Baha'u'llah wrote:
> The Four Gospels were written after Him [Christ]. John, Luke, Mark 
> and 
> Matthew - these four wrote after Christ what they remembered of 
> His 
> utterances.
>    (From a previously untranslated Tablet)
> This passage seems to say that all four of the Gospel writers were 
> disciples 
> and that the common attributions of authorship are correct.

Dear David, 

The passage says nothing about them being disciples. Mark and Luke 
were not discples, for instance. It's true that Baha'u'llah is not 
challenging the common attribution of these Gospels, but I doubt if 
that is even an issue for Him. 

> Gospels 
> were written by disciples based on their memory of what Jesus 
> said.  

Again, you are inserting the word 'disciples' which is not in the 
text. But we know Jesus' sayings were carried down orally before they 
were written down. No scholar challenges this that I know of, except 
those that want to deny Jesus' very existence. 

warmest, Susan 

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