Baha'u'llah confirms Mulla Husayn to be Muhammad, arguing against those who try to say otherwise:


Consider thou the Revelation of the Point of the Bayan  - exalted is His glory.  He pronounced the First One(1) to believe in Him to be Muhammad, the Messenger of God. Doth it beseem a man to dispute with Him by saying that this man is from Persia, the Other from Arabia, or this one was called Husayn while the Other bore the name of Muhammad?  Nay, I swear by God's holy Being, the Exalted, the Most Great.  Surely no man of intelligence and insight would ever pay attention unto limitations or names, but rather unto that with which Muhammad was invested, which was none other than the Cause of God.  Such a man of insight would likewise consider Husayn and the position he occupied in the Cause of God, the Omnipotent, the Exalted, the Knowing, the Wise.  And since the First One to believe in God in the Dispensation of the Bayan was invested with command similar to that with which Muhammad, the Messenger of God, was invested, therefore the Bab pronounced him to be the latter, namely His return and resurrection.  This station is sanctified from every limitation or name, and naught can be seen therein but God, the One, the Peerless, the All-Knowing.

          (Baha'u'llah:  Tablets of Baha'u'llah, Pages: 184-185)(highlighting done by kf with your permission)


This seems a bit theologically problematic…David


Dear David


This is to be understood in a slightly different manner.

Let me explain the background.


Just as there are prophecies relating to the Advent of the Bab and Baha’u’llah from the Bible, there are indications, prognostications, prophecies in the Writings of Islam (both the Holy Qur’an and the hadith).


Now the hadith emanating from the Imams of the Shi’ih Faith (Denomination) are many.

Three Volumes of the Bih.aar ul Anwaar compiled by Majlisi (quoted by Baha’u’llah in the Sacred Iqán) are dedicated to these traditions


Many many references of the Writings can easily be understood if one, with an absolutely pure heart, looks at these volumes and sees how spiritually interpretable these three volumes are:


A Great Man who did study all these three volumes was Mirza Abu’l-Fad.l

Mirza Abul- Fad.l quotes a tradition in his Fara’id: (reference given)


awwalu man yattabi’hu Muh.ammad wa ‘Ali ath-thaani

line 15


Meaning that Yes the First Reality to obey to follow to pledge loyalty to the Promised qa’im is Muh.ammad.


if you read Arabic you will see that Mirza Abu’l-Fad.l quotes exactly this hadith of the 5th Imam.


you can, by the grace of God, see this selfsame hadith on the internet in the pages of the 52nd Volume of the Bih.Ar ul Anwaar (Oceans of Lights)


سمعت أبا جعفر ( محمد بن علي ) يقول : لوقد خرج قائم آل محمد عليهم السلام لنصره الله بالملائكة المسو مين والمردفين والمنزلين والكروبيين يكون جبرائيل أمامه وميكائيل عن يمينه وإسرافيل عن بساره والرعب مسيرة شهر أمامه وخلفه وعن يمينه وعن شماله ، والملائكة المقربون حذاه ، أول من يتبعه محمد صلى الله عليه واله وعلي عليه السلام الثاني


The section highlighted says the Prophet Muhammad is the first to follow the Promised Qa’im (He Who ariseth) the appelation of the exalted Bab in Shi’ih Islam.


So we this background we see why Mulla Husayn has been given this attribute, this glorification, this honour. (this investment with COMMAND as in the Sacred Text you excerpt above)

It does not mean that Mulla Husayn qua Mulla Husayn is an independent Manifestation of God with all the Attributes of the Holy Prophet of Islam.

What it does imply is that yes: consider that Prophecy quoted above with all its references. Mulla Husayn was the first (AWWAL) to follow the Promised One the Promised Qa’im (He about Whom all those three volumes were spiritually written)…Hence God gave Mulla Husayn that honour in the realm of eschatology, significance, prophetic fulfilment …and, as Baha’u’llah, says Mulla Husayn rose for the Cause of God, as did that Divine Prophet the Seal of the Prophetic Cycle rise to establish the AMR of God …and now with the exalted Bab initiating the Cycle of Fulfilment and with Mulla H.usayn the First the AWWAL to champion the Cause of God. Both Cycles relating to the Cause of God the AMRullah…

The essence is One.



This station is sanctified from every limitation or name, and naught can be seen therein but God, the One, the Peerless, the All-Knowing.


Your question is a very interesting one but in away not along the way you are thinking in a lateral way…


The text is vital, but the context is vital too…


We must never lose sight of these three references:


    The Faith standing identified with the name of Baha'u'llah disclaims any intention to belittle any of the Prophets gone before Him, to whittle down any of their teachings, to obscure, however slightly, the radiance of their Revelations, to oust them from the hearts of their followers, to abrogate the fundamentals of their doctrines, to discard any of their revealed Books, or to suppress the legitimate aspirations of their adherents. Repudiating the claim of any religion to be the final revelation of God to man, disclaiming finality for His own Revelation, Baha'u'llah inculcates the basic principle of the relativity of religious truth, the continuity of Divine Revelation, the progressiveness of religious experience. His aim is to widen the basis of all revealed religions and to unravel the mysteries of their scriptures.  He insists on the unqualified recognition of the unity of their purpose, restates the eternal verities they enshrine, coordinates their functions, distinguishes the essential and the authentic from the nonessential and spurious in their teaching

          (Shoghi Effendi:  The Promised Day is Come, Page: 108)


Know thou assuredly that the essence of all the Prophets of God is one and the same.  Their unity is absolute.  God, the Creator, saith: There is no distinction whatsoever among the Bearers of My Message.  They all have but one purpose; their secret is the same secret.  To prefer one in honour to another, to exalt certain ones above the rest, is in no wise to be permitted.  Every true Prophet hath regarded His Message as fundamentally the same as the Revelation of every other Prophet gone before Him. If any man, therefore, should fail to comprehend this truth, and should consequently indulge in vain and unseemly language, no one whose sight is keen and whose understanding is enlightened would ever allow such idle talk to cause him to waver in his belief.

          (Baha'u'llah:  Gleanings, Pages: 78-79)


If the Light that is now streaming forth upon an increasingly responsive humanity with a radiance that bids fair to eclipse the splendour of such triumphs as the forces of religion have achieved in days past; if the signs and tokens which proclaimed its advent have been, in many respects, unique in the annals of past Revelations; if its votaries have evinced traits and qualities unexampled in the spiritual history of mankind; these should be attributed not to a superior merit which the Faith of Baha'u'llah, as a Revelation isolated and alien from any previous Dispensation, might possess, but rather should be viewed and explained as the inevitable outcome of the forces that have made of this present age an age infinitely more advanced, more receptive, and more insistent to receive an ampler measure of Divine Guidance than has hitherto been vouchsafed to mankind.

          (Shoghi Effendi:  World Order of Baha'u'llah, Page: 60)

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