Dear Husa,

Thank you so much for sharing this list with the members of this list serve.
And to get it in Spanish too- what a treat!!!

I feel like there is something that is being missed that can cause this list
to even have even more effect. Please accept this email in the spirit of
service that it is written in.

Recently the House had the document One Common Faith written. This document
can open a new world of understanding. These principles really fall into two
categories. One is social principles and the others would be referred to as
"eternal verities" or "fundamental truths" by Shoghi Effendi. This phrase
"eternal verities" caused me to pause and realize that we cannot claim
ownership of these principles if they are eternal- clearly I am not
referring to the social teachings. In fact if they are eternal then
everyone, regardless of their religious back ground, should be able to
recognize them as truth and see them within their own faiths.

One example is the concept of progressive revelation. Now the term
progressive Revelation is Baha'i jargon- but the idea is spoke of in the
Bible and the Qur'an. The first example that comes to mind is Hebrews 1:1
which says that God who in sundry times and in diverse manners hath spoken
unto us in the past by the Prophets hath in these days spoken unto us
through his Son.

If we present these as ideas as exclusively Baha'i members of other
Religions may not be open to them and we will come across like we are trying
to convert them to our religion instead of helping them see the oneness of
religion. However if we present them as ideas that are eternal and instead
of using terminology we are familiar with use terminology that they can
identify with it will make it easier for them to realize the oneness of

I leave you with this quote from the Guardian that dramatically changed my
understanding of the writings, and I might point out that he doesn't say the
purpose of the Baha'i faith is unity, but it does become clear that unity is
the effect of the Baha'i Faith:

Let no one, however, mistake my purpose. The Revelation, of which
Bahá'u'lláh is the source and center, abrogates none of the religions that
have preceded it, nor does it attempt, in the slightest  degree, to distort
their features or to belittle their value. It disclaims any intention of
dwarfing any of the Prophets of the past, or of whittling down the eternal
verity of their teachings. It can, in no wise, conflict with the spirit that
animates their claims, nor does it seek to undermine the basis of any man's
allegiance to their cause. Its declared, its primary purpose is to enable
every adherent of these Faiths to obtain a fuller understanding of the
religion with which he stands identified, and to acquire a clearer
apprehension of its purpose. It is neither eclectic in the presentation of
its truths, nor arrogant in the affirmation of its claims. Its teachings
revolve around the fundamental principle that religious truth is not
absolute but relative, that Divine Revelation is progressive, not final.
Unequivocally and without the least reservation it proclaims all established
religions to be divine in origin, identical in their aims, complementary in
their functions, continuous in their purpose, indispensable in their value
to mankind.

 (Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Baha'u'llah, p. 57)

much warmth and gratitude,


On 2/16/07, HUSA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Dear friends,
> Many thakns to All for your suggestions, these have been very enriching.
> I think that these can also be included in the list of bahai principles:
> The principle of the unicity of God.
> The principle that the purpose of the man is "to know and to adore to
> God."
> The principle of the Progressive Revelation.
> The principle of the essentially spiritual nature of the man.
> The principle of that the Manifestation of God is the unique intermediary
> between God and the humanity.
> The principle of the double nature of the man.
> I don't know if my translation is correct, so I also send in Spanish:
> El principio de la Unicidad de Dios.
> El principio de que el propósito del hombre es "conocer y adorar a Dios".
> El principio de la Revelacion Progresiva.
> El principio de la naturaleza esencialmente espiritual del hombre.
> El principio de la Mnifestación de Dios como único intermediario entre
> Dios y la humanidad.
> El principio de la doble naturaleza del hombre.
> do you think that this is correct? is something more than I should add?
> best regards,
> husa
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