:"Universal House of Justice as an individual 
person having a will which 'wants' something beyond what they 
explicitly ask for. "
 that's interesting. i personally hold a view from the other side of the 
circle: that the UHJ is a quasi-person, with definite desire and will. but 
unlike most such quasi-persons, and nearly all de facto persons, It is aware 
that's Its desire does not constitute reality, doesn;t hold Its breath, or 
cross Its fingers to "make" things happen.
 imho the UHJ is pretty explicit since about 96ish that It >hoped< the firendfs 
would all give institute coures a try, >hoped that a large % would like and 
promulgate such, and since 2k has been totallly telling people they have a 
right to not like ruhi, but >wishes< that those who don't like it either 
shushhh or engage in meaningful development of alternatives.
   i am however, occasionally intrigued by the prnoun issue of It vs "they"--a 
term the Master uses, and am wildly open to education about the grammatical 
issues that might bend the choices one way or the other. 

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