In my view, for Assembly meetings to be properly held, not only should every Assembly member be informed of the date and time of the meeting, but of the agenda, and with sufficient detail to know what is coming up.

The quote from the House implies this -- that a draft of the agenda is to be sent to all LSA members a few days before the meeting.

In the world at large, before meetings of nonprofits are held, the full agenda is sent out so that everyone knows, and this is proper, and I think a good practice, and would avoid the situation David described.


"The Agenda is usually prepared by the Secretary, sometimes in consultation with the Chairman or other member or members of the National Spiritual Assembly. Immediately after a Spiritual Assembly meeting, all items not cleared should be transferred to a new draft Agenda in preparation for the next meeting. Then, as each new matter arises, it should be entered under the appropriate heading. In this way the Agenda can be built up gradually. A few days before the Assembly meeting, the completed draft could be duplicated for the members. At the beginning of each meeting, any additional urgent items which have developed or items which individual members wish to raise can be added." The Universal House of Justice, in "A Suggested Guide for National Secretaries" enclosed with a letter dated May 4, 1972

"The agenda should be reviewed and agreed upon by the entire Assembly at the beginning of each meeting, at which time additions and deletions can be made. The Assembly should agree upon which items of business have priority." (US NSA)

From "Developing Distinctive Baha'i Communities" the US LSA handbook

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