Dear Ron, 

I think this will be my last post to you because we are no longer discussing
Baha'i-related issues but your objections to my philosophical approach in
this discussion.  

You write,

"You are taking my words our of context and deliberately
misrepresenting what I said. it is not possible to have a meaningful
conversation when you do that."

Here's what you wrote in reference to having authoritative interpreters: 

"But the Baha'i Writings have to be understood. Writings, all by themselves,
have no meaning, its only when understood by human minds and put into action
that they have effect.

And having authoritative Interpretations doesn't help this one iota, for the
Interpretations also must be understood by human minds and put into effect."

Very clearly you are saying that having authoritative interpreters is of no
use, "doesn't help one iota", i.e. having authoritative interpreters is of
no use in solving the problem of interpretations needing interpretations at

You write, 

Ian, You oh so dishonestly failed to include that I pointed out  IN
THE VERY SAME POST and elsewhere in the thread that our authoritative
interpretations are useful and important! And as for my "And having
authoritative Interpretations doesn't help THIS one iota" quote above,
the "doesn't help one iota" clearly referred to THIS, which THIS is
the issue I pointed out right above in that post's previous sentence

Ad hominems do not strengthen an argument. 

I have re-viewed and re-read your posts on this thread. There are 3 other
messages. The Monday 19,/11/2007 posting contains nothing that points to the
importance of authoritative interpreters. The same holds true for the
Thursday 08/11/2007 post, and the Wednesday 07/11/2007. 

These are the only other posts on this subject I have from you. 

You write,

" Writings, all by
themselves, have no meaning, its only when understood by human minds
and put into action that they have effect." And our human minds can
understand and put into effect but not perfectly. It is not all black
and white, right or wrong. Most of the time, we are partly right and
partly wrong, in differing degrees and to differing percentages, which
you just keep ignoring in your all or nothing approach."

Why don't you give me a specific example of what you consider my "all or
nothing approach"?

I think what you are objecting to 

You write,

"You are not trying to reason together, you are trying to win debating
points by any means necessary.

I have no desire to  converse with such behavior. I don't know what
your motives are in all this, but they cant be good when you resort to
this kind of deceptive debating tactics."

These are merely rants and ad hominems and speculations about my motives. I
don't think they are relevant to this discussion.

Best wishes,

Ian Kluge 

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