 :" For what it's worth, I
personally see that approach as a kind of metanarrative."
 welll .yes.
 that's what the creation is...or isn't.
   if any of this whatever about Hidden Mystery, Ancient Eternity of My 
Essence, yadydydaaa has an Author, then...yes. the cosmos--that is the 
perceivable part of the universe-- is a metanarrative about the Attributes of 
the One DEsiring to b Known...the Telling of a Story.
 about Who/ anout What? about When? about Where?about Why?
   and th answer is now, here, becuase...Because.
   :"requires one's
acceptance of some ideal form, i.e., a universal governing mentality."
 as an academic of the alleys and fields i respond.....duh. yes. becuae if 
there isn;t One Governing Mentality then who reallly cares what some short 
persian with a great press agent and a bad lwyer said abou anything?
  it was like... so 5 minutes ago.

the virginity of mary in re Isa..and not the other kids..can likewise be argued:
 it says what it says. deal.
i can make a dirct case, based on th avialabl story to converge present science 
and harmnies and whatever... th extreme violent rpaciousness of the tribe (feel 
free to ask, and what did al these Old Testament xyz-ites >do< to have all this 
smiting coming) was due to an exra y chromosome. such that many o the dudes 
were xyy, an random females were xxy, speciically ncluding maryam, thus her 
lack of interest i gneral boy/girl games untol thru stress she had a bad 
ovulation and produced  twinned eggs, x, and xy, he xy fixed to the uterine 
wall, th x was washed away.  and Isa was the Outcome.
   of course this then directs me to throw away any definition of "the good" 
dating later than "to feel the breaking of the bones of my eneimies, and hear 
the lamentations of their women," but that's ok. it' all good.
    or ican say the Guardian is infalllibly correct on suc matters, as is th 
Blessed Beauty and Muammed, and The Story takes us to john3:16 by way of early 
in exodus, and for that matter, wherever Abraham, Ismail and the goat or 
whatever all got together.
   2. since we know that scientifically eyewitnss accounts are not reliable, 
ther is no such thing as history as "fact" and we can get over it.
   3. w agree. Jesus is no th son of jusef for pirposes of this Story..and 
therefore....isn't. and never was. and genetic variance and logic and 
rtionality are all forms of meandering thru a valley, and endlessly walking in 
circles, instead of a Serpentine, a helix, whose points occupy th same x at 
regualr occasions, but a different y at each Occurence, and ...o, gee, how is 
"life" made? out of 2 such helices. 
   which on th streets i would call this a ticket to bthe clue 
bus...or..another Telling of The Story "I was a Hidden Mystery."
:"In other words, truth is relative."
 i have been asserting this with compleat archimedean wobbblitude since my 
 the issue is then...relative to who...not what.
 relative o Who... not what.
 and the answers i keep beging for is true relative to the restlss, the 
unsheperded and the hungry, those on th streetconers and placs of recreation, 
the 4th pillar of the 5 year plan.
   one might note in that regard, that in comparison to what the turtle was 
stadnng on, thse 4 pillars are all actions, not states of being. 
 from a standpoint of meta-narrative hat ugegsts something to me.
  and btw, i deeply and sincerely thank you for bringing that hought out of the 
remains of what i use for a brain, and for the cordiality, on taskedness, and 
general erudition of our various conversations here and formerly at bnut.
   :"The Guardian is the interpreter of the Baha'i Sacred Texts."
 in one of those knds of deepenings that used to be more common, i once asked a 
member of aBs and random other organsations if the Tt was what Baha'u'llah 
SAid, or what the Guardian said Baha'u'llah SAid. and after a ittle double 
take, was told,,, well yes.
   i mention this to set up this twin point:
 somwhere or other i have rad a provisional trnalsation of a Tablet in whiuch 
the Blessed Bauty Answers the question, ishmael or isaac? by saying something 
along the lines of "it depends when u ask, and both genesis and Qu'ran are True.
   and the most perfectly True tranlsation, interpretation elucidation i can 
thnk o  from the beloved Guardian is a provabl factual, historical, linguistic 
error----translating the letter "ha" as the roman alphabet "E"....
in order to tell The Story.

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