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Dear friends,

Copied below are two translations of a prayer attributed to 'Abdul-Baha. Is one 
translation preferred over the other? Is this prayer in the category of 

Thank you,

O my Lord, my Hope![1]
[1 May be said before meals.]

Praise be unto Thee, for Thou hast sent down unto us this spiritual table, 
supreme benefit and heavenly blessing. O our Lord! Strengthen us to partake of 
this heavenly food, so that its fine essence may run through the pillars of our 
spiritual being and that we may thereby obtain a celestial power for serving 
Thy Cause, promulgating Thy signs and adorning Thy vineyard with lofty trees, 
the fruits whereof shall be near (to gather) and of perfuming fragrances. 
Verily Thou art the Possessor of great bounty! Verily Thou are the Clement, the 

(Abdu'l-Baha, Tablets of Abdu'l-Baha v1, p. 166)


Prayer of `Abdu'l-Baha to be recited before eating

       My Lord and My Hope. Praise be to Thee that Thou
       hast sent down upon us this spiritual table, this divine
       bounty, this heavenly blessing. O our Lord, enable us
       to eat of this food of the kingdom that its subtle
       essences may pervade the corners of our spiritual being
       and that there may be produced from [it?] that
       heavenly strength for the service of Thy cause, the
       spread of Thy revelation, and the adorning of Thy
       garden with lofty trees bearing branches near at hand,
       perfumed with fresh breezes. Thou, verily, art the All-
       generous. Thou art the Possessor of mighty grace. Thou
       art the Merciful, the Compassionate. - Amr va Khalq,
       III 69, tr. Denis Maceoin, Rituals in Babism and Bahaism, p. 

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