The Baha'i Studies Listserv You have to look at this metaphorically. If you look at it literally, it makes no sense. Literally, humans and apes evolved from common ancestors. The concept of "soul" is a metaphor. We say humans have a "soul". "The human soul" is a metaphor for what makes humans so different from other animals. To say that "humans always had a soul" can be seen as metaphorically true, even though it is literally true that, say, one billion years ago, humans did not exist yet. I suppose you could say that, even one billion years ago, the Ideal of "Humanity" existed as a Concept, a Platonic Ideal.
-- Ron, Firestorm, or others: See: 'Abdu'l-Bahá, Some Answered Questions, p. 191-4 and 'Abdu'l-Baha: Promulgation of Universal Peace, pages 358-9 ------ The word "species" used by Abdu'l-Baha is not the same definition as the "species" used by scientists or biologists. The word species is used here to explain the distinction which has always existed between "man" and "animal" despite material physical biological makeup. It does not have the current specialized biological meaning. And I used the word "man" and "animal" in quotes not to confuse with the idea that the difference between "man" and "animal" to be a physical or scientifically observable. Abdu'l-Baha is not trying to present proofs or argue against scientific findings of Darwin, rather the opposite, that he is saying that the fundamental doctrine of Bahaullah is compatible with Darwinian evolution. Abdulbaha is simply laying down a spiritual *timeless* principles that unfolded over time in a physical way. If you consider darwinian evolution from a "timeless" perspective, then you say that man was always meant to be. But Science, rightfully, never considers the "timelessness" of it because that's more of a philosophical, not a scientific, question. Here, the word "species" is a non-scientific term (Abdu'l-Baha is not a scientist) to convey the essential reality of the "Universe" that man will evolve if the environmental conditions are right, like they were right on earth after millions of years of evolutionary process for man to evolve to become what you and I are today. That's all. Its just an observation of the past based on where we are today. This is not meant to be a scientific principle, but a fundamental doctrine to convey this simple spiritual principle: that the names of God are reflecting in the mirror of existence... And since God's names seem to be more advanced today than they were 5 million years ago, (*(*(*(*Abdu'l-Baha simply says that the "species" of man was always in existence though they were not physically manifested since man had not yet evolved.*)*)*)*) Again, these statements are more about the Universe or God than they are about man or darwinian evolution. Again, these statements are more about the Universe or God than they are about man or darwinian evolution. Yet from a scientific view, God and spirit or soul are only metaphorical realities, because they cannot and will never be observed - by definition. __________________________________________________ You are subscribed to Baha'i Studies as: Unsubscribe: send a blank email to Subscribe: send subscribe bahai-st in the message body to Or subscribe: Baha'i Studies is available through the following: Mail - Web - News (on-campus only) - news:// Old Public - New Public -