The Baha'i Studies Listserv Firestorm, can you elaborate: to begin with, random theories of evolution keep pointing to >>>everything<<< having a common ancestor. you have about 70% of the same dna as a mouse, and maybe 60% in common with a yew tree. there are serious discussions about how much of the shared dna is "junk"--which arguments can visibly terrify "intelligent design" proponents of th usa type... :-) :-) second, i would offer that if "Islam" means surrender, then "spirituality" is not something one has, it is something one does. as does the 'i in Baha'i. in 1745 linnaeus dealt with this issue--to the point that up til recently, if not now, the great apes were considered types of humans in the taxonomy he presented, purely on the basis that "soul" could not be weighed or visualised as a shape present in man, but not in the apes. humans get the spirituality of humans by being humans. elephants get the spirituality of elephants by being elephants. the T&G suggests strongly to me that "human spirituality" has an endurance factor on the personal level farrrrr (like far^4) outlasting that of apes or elephants. is that "because of" continual, hierarchical reification by foxp2 and maybe a couple of others? or the Will of God? the answer is yes.
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