The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Dear Shamim,

You write:
> Give me some ideas and I will help you out to the extent I 

It seems that the best proof of who Baha'u'llah is in regards to His divinity 
is by becoming familiar with His life and through His writings. It is hoped 
that by posting this question on Baha'i Studies one of the friends may have had 
some experience with teaching Catholic priests or Catholics and could offer 
some insights or at least share some of their thoughts and feelings. For the 
record, I mispoke in a rush on my original note that he(the Catholic priest) 
still wants to know what is Baha'u'llah's divinity (I'm sharing a computer and 
was trying to get off). It is not that he keeps asking, rather it is the notion 
that it seems evident that previous explanations to him regarding Baha'u'llah's 
divinity are not satisfactory. One idea that comes to mind is perhaps to 
recommend a reading that is not too lengthy but gets to the point of 
Baha'u'llah's life and suffering. Any suggestions anyone? 

Thank you for responding,

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