The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> Also, if the Manifestations are all equal, then nothing is lost or
deficient in just being Muslim.  There is no need to prosyletize.

I just thought of an answer. What do you think Gilberto:  

All the manifestations are equal. 

So, why teach?  Because of love of God ONLY.  It has nothing to do with access 
to God. Anyone can access God, through any religion. Anyone can access God 
through Islam today.  

So why teach?  Because we love God.  Since God has resent His Manifestation, 
who is exactly the same as and equal to all previous Manifestations, we teach 
about His newest Manifestation ONLY out of love. 

Not because of salvation. Not because people cannot access God in other ways.  
Not because society is doomed without the Bahai religion. Not because Peace 
cannot be achieved without Bahai faith.

Only because we love God, we share the message that God has resent His 
Manifestation, who is equal to previous Manifestations. 

Only the OUTCOME of this attitude is World Peace, Salvation, and Recognition of 

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