The Baha'i Studies Listserv

Dear Hajir: 

The Baha'i "acceptance", if you will, of Shi`ah is quite nuanced and 
sophisticated. As you very well know, Baha'i Writings do not accept all of 
Shi`ism in toto, wholesale. For example, Baha'is do not believe that the 
promised One, the promised Mahdi, is the physical son of Hasan al-`askari alive 
physically in a well in Samarra, etc. Baha'is, as Sunnis, believe that the 
Promised Mahdi would be born, just as The Bab was born. 

Best regards, 


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-----Original Message-----
From: "" <>
Sender: <>Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 07:36:13 
To: Baha'i Studies<>
Reply-To: "Baha'i Studies" <>
Subject: Re: Seal of the Prophets

The Baha'i Studies Listserv

The Baha'i writings are very clear that Muhammad sealed both Prophethood and 
Messengership.  Otherwise, the Cycle of Prophecy would not have ended, and the 
Cycle of Fulfillment would not have started.  Furthermore, Baha'is accept the 
Shi'i interpretation of Islam and acknowledge the authority of Imams.  So, even 
if it is a later interpretation it does not mean that it is a wrong 

Just because Muhammad is last and greatest doesn't mean he is supposed to be 
distinguished from previous prophets.  
Just because Einstein was smartest, just because Michael Jordan is most 
athletic, just because Mother Teresa is kindest, etc. etc.  doesn't mean 
mankind is not one.  The oneness of mankind doesn't have anything to do with 
any of that stuff.  A blind man is equal to a seeing man.  A deaf man is equal 
to a hearing man.  A child and an adult are one.

The same principle holds for God's 

School Analogy:

Just because a 12th grade teacher tells students in the 12th grade *many more 
things* than a 1st grade teacher tells the 1st graders, does not mean that they 
are all teachers.  

AND, EVEN If another teacher was the one who wrote the text books for both 1st 
and 12th grade, and was the one who trained both the 1st and 12th grade 
teachers, this does not mean that this teacher of teachers is somehow different 
from other teachers and somehow not a human being.  They are still all human 

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