The Baha'i Studies Listserv

I think Professor `abdu'l-Kareem Soroosh who used to be the pride and joy of 
the Islamic Republic of Iran from its inception as the master theoretician, 
scholar, and theologian philosopher for the theocracy of her wilayat-e faqih 
(rule by the supreme jurist), and who is now a visiting scholar or something 
somewhere in the United States (maybe Washington, D.C.) is now regarded as a 
heretic and blasphemer or apostate or something like that by the hard line 
clerics for putting forth similar thoughts about the Quran and the Prophet 
Muhammad now. There are extensive and well articulated missives by him 
defending his position and refuting his opponents. 

I'd like to thank Susan and Khazeh for their illuminating posts. 

Best regards, 


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-----Original Message-----
From: Susan Maneck <>
Sender: <>Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2010 12:05:03 
To: Baha'i Studies<>
Reply-To: "Baha'i Studies" <>
Subject: Re: Respect for Islam

The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> I'm wonder if other Bahais would agree or disagree with that way of
> putting things.

I certainly wouldn't put it that way. Baha'is tend to see the Burning
Bush, the Dove, the Archangel Gabriel and the Heavenly Maiden (huri)
all as symbols of the Holy Spirit which conveys Revelation to the
Manifestations. Alternatively we could see it has the Divine Nature of
the Manifestation communicating with His human nature.

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