The Baha'i Studies Listserv
God bless you Khazeh khan! Thank you for this beautiful story! I am
downloading it now. kheylee mamnoonam!

Warm Bahai Greetings,

On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 12:35 AM, Khazeh <> wrote:

> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>  P rovisional translation by  your servant khazeh fananpazir) from
> original persian of Payam e Baha'i number 366 may 2010 pages 60-61
> also Arabic translation enclosed
> *Janaab-i-Muhammad Quli Khan-i-Nakha’ee, was an influential and rich local
> man, who believed in the Blessed Beauty, Bahá’u’lláh, and lived in Khusef
> which is part of Birjand. As a result of his acceptance of the Faith, most
> of his relatives also **became Baha'is.
> This Janaab-i-Nakha’ee went on pilgrimage to Akka to attain the presence
> of His Holiness Bahá’u’lláh. On his first and second visit to Baha'u'llah,
> he was accompanied by other pilgrims, but when he returned to the pilgrim
> house, he thought to himself that  he had borne the hardships and
> difficulties of a long journey that had lasted six months, hoping to witness
> some extraordinary Divine events, but he saw in Bahá’u’lláh a man like
> others, speaking and giving instructions similar to other men. "There is
> perhaps nothing extraordinary or miraculous here," he thought. *
>     **
>  *He was immersed in these thoughts when on the third day of their
> visit, one of the servants came and informed him that Baha’u’llah wanted to
> see him alone and unaccompanied. He immediately went to the presence of the
> Blessed Beauty and as he lifted the curtain and entered His room, he bowed
> and instantly saw the Blessed Beauty as an incredibly bright and dazzling
> Light. So intense was his experience of this Light that he fell to the floor
> and lost consciousness. All that he recalled is Bahá’u’lláh saying: "fee
> Amanil'lah" which means go in God’s safe keeping."
> The servants were able to drag him to the corridor and subsequently
> brought him to the pilgrim house. He could not eat or sleep for two
> days after that event and he was conscious of Bahá’u’lláh’s overwhelming
> Presence everywhere. He kept on telling the other pilgrims that He is here
> with us. *
> *His fellow pilgrims got tired of this and asked Abdu’l-Baha for
> help. After couple of days, the servant came back again and took him to
> Bahá’u’lláh’s presence. When he attained His presence, He poured forth
> loving kindness and gracious utterances and bade him to be seated.
> Then Bahá’u’lláh said: "Janaab-i-Muhammad Quli Khan! The Manifestations of
> the Divine Essence are forced to appear in human attire and clothes. If
> Their true Being, that which is behind the veil of concealment were to
> be revealed, then all humanity like your good self will lose consciousness
> and swoon away to the realm of the unconscious." Then Baha’u’llah went on:
> "Do you know how parrots are taught to speak?" I bowed and said: "I do not
> know".
> Baha’u’llah explained: "The parrot owners have a parrot within a cage. Then
> they bring a big mirror in front of the cage and a man hides himself behind
> the mirror and starts repeating words and phrases. The parrot sees that
> there is another parrot identical to itself talking in the cage (reflected
> in the mirror) and imagining that it is another parrot that is doing the
> talking it too starts mimicking and learns to speak. Now, if the person who
> is actually behind the mirror were to reveal himself from the start, then
> the parrot will never learn to speak.  It is thus that the Manifestations
> of the Divine Being should come into the world in human form and
> attire so that They will not frighten mankind with Their awesome Being..."
> *
>  **
>  *This man was utterly transformed and on his return from attaining
> Bahá’u’lláh’s presence to the end of his days, he was engaged in teaching
> others. He had attained such spiritual insight that he predicted the night
> of his own departure from this earthly realm.*
>  **
>  *From Payam-i-Bahai*
> P rovisional translation by  your servant khazeh fananpazir) from original
> persian of Payam e Baha'i number 366 may 2010 pages 60-61
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