The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Religion and Exclusivism: A Baha'i Perspective

by Julio Savi

Published in Lights of Irfan Volume 7 pages 221-238
Wilmette, IL: Irfan Colloquia, 2006

The PDF of the full paper is here:


"The author presents a survey of the Baha'i­ teachings on exclusivism on the
ground of his understanding of the open letter addressed by the Universal
House of Justice to the world's religious leaders in 2002 and the recent
commentary prepared under its supervision. After a brief survey of the
concept of exlusivism and its dangers, a possible definition of religion in
the light of the Baha'i­ teachings is suggested. Nine essential features of
the Baha'i­ concept of the oneness of religion expounded by Shoghi Effendi
are then

1. Religious truth is not absolute but relative;
2. Divine Revelation is a continuous and progressive process;
3. All the great religions of the world are divine in origin;
4. Their basic principles are in complete harmony;
5. Their aims and purposes are one and the same;
6. Their teachings are but facets of one truth;
7. Their functions are complementary;
8. They differ only in the non-essential aspects of their doctrines;
9. Their missions represent successive stages in the spiritual evolution of
human society.

Two corollaries of these concepts are also examined:

1. The God-given authority and correlative character of Scriptures;
2. All the great religions are continuous in their purpose and indispensable
in their value to mankind.

Despite the fundamental oneness of the messages of all religions,
misinterpretations of the complex language of Scriptures, in particular of
the implicit concept of progressive revelation, and an undue importance
given by organized religion to tradition have contributed to distract the
attention of religionists from the essential teachings of religion and to
focus it towards its formal and secondary aspects. Dangerous claims to
exclusivity or finality
have been thus developed. The present conditions of the world are such as to
encourage and assist all religions to correct these dangerous attitudes in
the name of a peaceful coexistence of all the peoples of the world."

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