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Dear Jeanne,

There is also a reference to Rosemary Sala in The Baha'i World, Volume 18, page 

Here's an excerpt from page 715:
 In 1952 Rosemary went on her first pilgrimage to Haifa as a guest of the 
Guardian.  Her second visit to the Holy Land was in 1968 as a member of the 
National Spiritual Assembly of South and West Africa.
    With the announcement of the Ten Year Crusade we volunteered to pioneer.  
The Guardian suggested Comoro Islands in the Indian Ocean, but since a visa was 
refused he gave us Zululand as a second choice.  We arrived in May 1954 and 
settled on a trading post in a native reserve, with no telephone or 
electricity.  We were two hours' distance from the nearest doctor or police 
station.  To our great disappointment, after one year our permit was not 
renewed.  We moved to Port Elizabeth, in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, 
where we lived for thirteen years.  We had to return to Canada for three 
years--which was a culture shock in reverse--and were happy to pioneer again, 
in 1971, this time to Guadalajara,  Mexico.  Previous to this, however, we made 
a tour of the Far East.  We travelled all over Mexico, attended the Merida 
Conference and made two side trips to Panama.  Rosemary spent many weeks 
preparing illustrated albums about historical events related to the Faith which 
are on display at the Bahá`í Shrine in Montreal.
    Amatu'l-Bahá Rúhíyyih  Khánum wrote this about Rosemary:  `She was a 
remarkable woman, a very sweet one, and her devotion to the Faith was truly 
exemplary.  It never flagged but went on year after year to the very last 
breath.  May we all die as she did, with the good pleasure of Bahá`u'lláh.  She 
was also a devoted friend and a loyal one, and I shall miss very much receiving 
her letters . . . Rosemary will certainly go down as one of Canada's 
outstanding Bahá`ís as the Canadian community emerged and grew in stature and 
    The Hand of the Cause John Robarts and his wife, Audrey, life-long friends, 
chose for Rosemary the following from the Writings of `Abdu'l-Bahá:  O ye 
handmaid of the merciful Lord!  How many queens of this world laid down their 
heads on a pillow of dust and disappeared.  No fruit was left of them, no 
trace, no sign, not even their names . . . Not so the handmaids who ministered 
at the Threshold of God; these have shone forth like glittering stars in the 
skies of ancient glory, shedding their splendours across all the reaches of 
time.2   EMERIC SALA

Warm Regards,

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