The Baha'i Studies Listserv

Stephen, your statement that only 10% of the Covenant-breaker websites is negative, demonstrates the problem, and your unawareness of the situation.

While discussing these ideas with deepened Baha'is, reading the Sacred Text and the Master's Last Tablet to America, and reciting prayers are all good ideas, there is no substitute, in your situation, for sitting down with your Auxiliary Board member for Protection to discuss these things. Your spirit has been affected by not only the Covenant-breaker material but by the ravings of Fred Glaysher. You need the calming spirit and benevolent influence of a member of the Protection Board, or a Counsellor. You've exposed yourself to poison, and taken deep drinks of poison. Might it not be time to consider what I wrote to you off-list? As an enrolled believer, you have access to the NSA's website and prominent on that website is a list of the Auxiliary Board members, and you can easily find your Protection Board member; or as I wrote, I will help you to locate him or her.

This is more important a matter than you realize. Take the opportunity that the Baha'is on this list are offering to you. You owe it to yourself to learn the truth about the Baha'i Faith, and you aren't getting it from these websites. They're sending you wandering off into the wilderness, and you're rejecting everything the Baha'is are offering you. It won't hurt to get the other perspective, and your Protection Board is where to go -- face to face.


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