The Baha'i Studies Listserv

Divine command theory is the meta-ethical view about the semantics or meaning 
ethical sentences, which claims that ethical sentences express propositions, 
some of which are true, about the attitudes of God. That is, it claims that 
sentences such as "charity is good" mean the same thing as sentences such as 
"God commands charity".
This makes divine command theory a subjectivist[1] yet universalist form of 
cognitivism. Divine command theory thus stands in opposition to other forms of 
ethical subjectivism (e.g. ideal observer theory, moral relativism, and 
individualist ethical subjectivism), as well as to moral realism (which claims 
that moral propositions refer to objective facts, independent of anyone's 
attitudes or opinions), error theory (which denies that any moral propositions 
are true in any sense), and non-cognitivism (which denies that moral sentences 
express propositions capable of being true or false at all).
It is often argued that divine command theory is refuted by the Euthyphro 
dilemma (so named because a version of it first appeared in Plato's dialogue 
Euthyphro): "Is an action morally good because God commands it, or does God 
command it because it is morally good?"
Logically religion is based on that, but people try to make utilitarian 
arguments usually with some rare deontological arguements. Do Baha'is ever 
invoke divine command theory while explainig laws?
        * Saint Thomas Aquinas claimed that God creates moral norms that 
reflect his 
own essence, meaning that his demands are not arbitrary. In this case, it would 
become necessary to examine the essence of God. 

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