The Baha'i Studies Listserv
And Baha'u'llah Himself further clarified what He had meant to say. Later
`Abdu'l-Baha further re-inforced the clarification. I have a recollection of
a passage somewhere in Baha'u'llah's Writings in which He is implying that
Divine Revelation is not a child's play that every so many years someone
would want to claim it.

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 7:20 PM, Adib Masumian <>wrote:

> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> Whereas the Baha'i Writings teach that a Manifestation of God will not
> appear for atleast 1,000 years after Baha'u'llah's own declaration of being
> one, Maitreya says to the Baha'is, "It's not meant to be taken literally.
> You are doing the same thing that the followers of older religions have
> done"
> That might be a more viable argument if Baha'u'llah hadn't unequivocally
> declared the following to this effect in verse 37 of the Aqdas:
> Whosoever interpreteth this verse otherwise than its obvious meaning is
> deprived of the Spirit of God and of His mercy which encompasseth all
> created things.
> Adib
> On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 6:15 PM, Matt Haase <>wrote:
>> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> What I find interesting about this movement is that it is like holding a
>> mirror to some Baha'is in regards to what they say about other religions.
>> Some Baha'is tell followers of older religions that the scriptures are not
>> meant to be taken literally, especially in regards to passages that
>> seemingly claim a particular Prophet is the "last" Prophet. What I find
>> interesting about Maitreya, is that he uses the same argument against
>> Baha'is. Whereas the Baha'i Writings teach that a Manifestation of God will
>> not appear for atleast 1,000 years after Baha'u'llah's own declaration of
>> being one, Maitreya says to the Baha'is, "It's not meant to be taken
>> literally. You are doing the same thing that the followers of older
>> religions have done", whereupon Baha'is insist that they are not and claim a
>> kind of exceptionalism; which is what we all do when confronted with this
>> kind of issue. If anything, I think new religious movements in general act
>> as a test to make us more humble in regards to people who follow older
>> religions, because someone may pose the same arguments to us some day.
>> On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 5:12 PM, Stephen Gray <> wrote:
>>> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>>> Joseph Emmanuel of the Mission of Maitreya <>claims 
>>> to be the Maitreya Buddha, as well as a major prophet of God who
>>> purportedly fulfills prophecies from the Old Testament, New Testament,
>>> Koran, Baha'i scriptures and eastern 
>>> scriptures.[18]<>Perhaps
>>>  the most prominent example of Emmanuel's claims to being the
>>> Maitreya is the fact that his main teaching seeks to unify the world's
>>> religions by means of showing how each religion corresponds to one of seven
>>> "seals".[19]<>His
>>>  use of the term "seal" is a reference to a central tenet of Christian
>>> eschatological belief described in the Bible, in which it is predicted that
>>> Christ would return and open a book sealed with "seven seals" (Rev 
>>> 5:5<>).
>>> The Mission of Maitreya also makes claims that link Emmanuel's teaching of
>>> seven seals to Buddhist tradition. According to Buddhist Scriptures, the
>>> Maitreya Buddha will "take seven steps forward, and where he puts down his
>>> feet a jewel or lotus will spring 
>>> up."[20]<>
>>> [21]<>Emmanuel
>>>  was originally a student of the yoga teacher P.R.
>>> Sarkar <> in India,
>>> who founded Ananda Marga <>,
>>> and while in this organization, Emmanuel was given the spiritual name
>>> "Maitreya." This has been cited as further evidence by the Mission of
>>> Maitreya that Joseph Emmanuel is the true Maitreya.
>>> I was surfing through Wikipedia and found this.

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