The Baha'i Studies Listserv
*       From: Moojan Momen  
*       Date: Thu, 12 Aug 1999 05:51:42 


*The Baha'i Studies List*
Prophecies related to Bahá'u'lláh (the Return of Christ) in the
Traditions (Hadíths)
The following are prophecies from the major books of Sunni Hadíth which
Bahá'ís believe were fulfilled by Bahá'u'lláh (see also later). Bahá'ís
believe that Bahá'u'lláh was the return of Christ (al-Masíh): 
The Descent of Jesus
>From the Sahíh of al-Bukhárí:
Narrated by Abú Hurayra: God's Messenger said, `The Hour will not be
established until the son of Mary (i.e. Jesus) descends amongst you as a
just ruler, he will break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the
Jizyah tax. Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it (as
charitable gifts).'(10)
Bahá'ís interpret `break the cross, kill the pigs, and abolish the
Jizyah tax' as meaning that on his return, Jesus will have the full
authority of a Messenger of God. He will supercede the previous
religions and abrogate and replace their laws. This is expressed
symbolically in this Tradition as: he will `break the cross'
(superceding Christianity), `kill the pigs' (for food, abrogating the
laws of Judaism) and `abolish the Jizya' (superceding the Islamic
Shari`ah). Bahá'u'lláh did all of this both symbolically and, in the
case of abolishing the prohibition on eating pork and the Jizyah tax,
literally also. 
His Ministry will be for Forty Years
>From the Sunan of Abú Dáwúd:
Narrated by Abú Hurayra: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: There is
no prophet between me and him, that is, Jesus (peace be upon him). He
will descend (to the earth) . . . He (Jesus) will destroy the Antichrist
(the Dajjál) and will live on the earth for forty years and then he will
Bahá'u'lláh's ministry lasted forty years (1852-92). (Concerning the
Dajjál, see later).
The Establishment of a New Religion and the Opposition of the `Ulama
Imám `Abd al-Wahháb al-Sha`rání records in his book, al-Yawáqít wa'l-
He will cause to appear a religion that he holds within himself which
even were the Messenger of God (Muhammad) to be alive, he would judge
according to it. And in his time, there will only remain this religion,
purified from personal opinion. The schools (madháhib) of the `ulamá
will oppose most of his ordinances (ahkámihi). And they will be dismayed
at him on account of this for they will consider that, after their
leadership, God will not allow a single mujtahid to remain.(12)
God will change the Arab people for Persians
>From the Sahih of at-Tirmidhí: 
Abú Hurayra said: Some of the companions of the Messenger of God (upon
him be greetings and praise) said: `O Messenger of God! Who are those
people about whom God has said that if we turn back (from the Path), He
will substitute in our stead another people and they would not be like
us (Qur'án 47:38)?' And Salman (the Persian) was beside the Messenger of
God and the Messenger of God struck him (on the thigh) and took Salman
and said: `This man and his people. By the One in whose hand is my soul!
Were faith to be suspended in the Pleiades men from among the Persians
would attain unto it.'(13)
The majority of the early followers of the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh were
The Last Remaining Supporter of the Mahdí will come to `Akká
In al-Futuhát al-Makkiyyah, Shaykh Muhyi ad-Dín ibn al-`Arabí records
the following hadíth concerning the Mahdí and his supporters or
ministers (wuzará):
He (the Mahdí) will emerge at a time of decline in religion. God will
constrain through him what was not constrained though the Qur'án, such
that a man who is ignorant, cowardly and miserly one evening will be
transformed to being learned, brave and generous on the morrow . . . He
will witness the most mighty battle (Armageddon), the banquet of God,
upon the plain of `Akká. He will banish tyranny and those who espouse it
and he will revive religion . . . His martyrs will be the best of
martyrs and his trusted ones the most excellent of trustees. In order to
help him, God has kept hidden in a secret place a people whom He has
made aware of the concealed and revealed realities of things and of
whatever God has ordained for His servants. And they will make their
decisions through their consultations . . . And his supporters whom God
has caused to help him - in accordance with His words `It is incumbent
upon Us to help the believers (Qur'án 30:47)' - they will follow in the
footsteps of those of the companions (of the Prophet) who held true to
the covenant that they had made with God. And they will all be Persians,
there being no Arabs among them, but they will speak Arabic . . . They
are the most favoured of the supporters and the most excellent of the
trustees . . . And all of them will be killed except one who will be
upon the plain of `Akká, the divine table that God has laid out for all
The Báb (the Mahdí) emerged at the time of the decline of the religion
of Islam and ordained new laws and teachings to revive religion.
Concerning his leading followers (the text used the word vazír, plural
wuzará, which can be translated as `supporters' or `ministers', but
which I have rendered here as `leading followers'), they were mostly
Persians, but being of the religious class, they spoke Arabic. All of
the leading disciples of the Báb were martyred in Iran and, of the rest,
the most prominent was Bahá'u'lláh who was exiled to `Akká in Syria.
This Tradition mentions making decisions through consultation which is
what the Bahá'ís do (see p. XXX). The table with food laid out is also
mentioned in the Qur'án (5:112-115) as being a miracle of Christ, here
being mentioned in relation to the returned Christ. Bahá'ís consider
that it refers to a heavenly feast of spiritual food. 
10.  Al-Bukhárí, Sahíh, Book 43 - Oppressions , no. 656, vol. 3, p. 395;
at-Tirmidhí, Sahíh, Abwáb al-Fitan, vol. 9, p. 75-7
11.  Abú Dáwúd, Sunan, 37 - Kitáb Al-Maláhim, vol. 2, p. 432; Ibn
Hanbal, Musnad, vol. 4, p. 406
12.  Ash-Sha`rání, al-Yawáqít wa'l-Jawáhir, vol. 2, ch. 65, p. 143. Al-
Sha`ráni states that he is quoting Ibn `Arabí, al-Futúhát al-Makkiyyah,
apparently from chapter 366 on `Knowing the station of the supporters of
the Mahdí who will appear at the end of time', vol. 3, pp. 106, but the
wording is slightly different in the text of Ibn `Arabí in the edition
that I have used (see Bibliography). In Shi`i Traditions there are
similar statements, but these are about the Mahdí, however: a new book
and a new religion: `He will come with a new Cause - just as Muhammad,
at the beginning of Islam, summoned the people to a new Cause - and with
a new book'; opposition of the `ulamá to the Mahdí: `The Qá'im [Mahdí]
will come to a people who will interpret the Book of God against him and
will bring proofs from it against him'; both Traditions are in al-
Nu`mání, al-Ghayba quoted in Majlisí, Bihár al-Anwár (lithograph ed.),
vol. 13, p. 192-3.
13.  At-Tirmidhí, Sahíh, Abwab at-Tafsir, Chapter on the Tafsír of Súra
of Muhammad, vol. 12, p. 146. At-Tirmidhí gives several chains of
transmission for this hadíth and another similar one. English
translation may be found in at-Tibrízí, Mishkat al-Masabih, vol. 4, p.
1375. The Shi`i commentary on the Qur'án, al-Fayd al-Káshání, Kitáb as-
Sáfí, quotes a similar Tradition, vol. 2, p. 572-3
14.  Ibn al-`Arabí, al-Futúhát al-Makkiyyah, chapter 366 on `Knowing the
station of the supporters of the Mahdí who will appear at the end of
time', vol. 3, pp. 106-8. See also ash-Sha`rání, al-Yawáqít wa'l-
Jawáhir, vol. 2, ch. 65, p. 143-4.
Dr Moojan Momen


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