The Baha'i Studies Listserv
As-salaam ‘alayka wa rah.matuhu wa barakatuhuu too


Thank you for your gentle politeness

Allaah subhaanahuu knows all things


For over 55 years I have been brought up with the love and knowledge of the
Holy Quran and the hadith from both the major branches. I have read the Holy
Qur’an and memorized it.


Even now I am listening to the beautiful recitation of the Book in the voice
of Abdul Baaset Abdus Samad the verse that says REMIND THEM OF THE DAYS OF


The words of Allaah penetrate the innermost core of my existence.


Hopefully to my last breath and last PQRST wave on the EKG.


But I think of myself as a believer in the BAB and BAHA’U’LLAH as well and I
revere and uphold their Covenants.


What happens in my psyche I suppose is that there occurs an instantaneous
commingling of truths and realities.


When the reciter reads the verses of the DAYS OF GOD from sura Ibraheem as I
am typing this after midnight, immediately I am reminded of these DAYS
referring to this DAY, the DAY of God’s Manifestation [z.uhuur] in His
Maz.har [Baha’u’llah]. And sometimes when I share these realities which
cohere into one reality [I mean the verities of the holy Books] confluencing
into one truth, I get into trouble. But the mental challenges we face in our
daily life is nothing as those experienced in the Middle East.


The most important thing is constantly earnestly SEIZE the moment and obey
the Qur’anic COMMAND that whenever THE NABA’ or a NABA’comes to you,
FA-TABAYYANUU [ i.e. rise immediately to find out, to clarify, to elucidate
the issues relating to it.


[and for the same reason I have immersed myself in the Christian  Bible


O ye who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news
[announcement], ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people unwittingly, and
afterwards become full of repentance for what ye have done. Sura 49


And as to the subject of sufferings after rejection by humankind after a
divine Envoy I could share this.


The HOLY QUR’AN SAYS God will not punish them if they beg for forgiveness

wama kana Allahu muAAaththibahum wahum yastaghfiroona

But please note




wama kunna muAAaththibeena hatta nabAAatha rasoolan

We do not punish [any community] until We have sent [it] a Messenger.


And what is being recited now into my ear


Walaqad arsalna moosa bi-ayatina an akhrij qawmaka mina alththulumati ila
alnnoori wathakkirhum bi-ayyami Allahi inna fee thalika laayatin likulli
sabbarin shakoorin


14:5 We sent Moses with Our signs (and the command). "Bring out thy people
from the depths of darkness into light, and teach them to remember the Days
of God." Verily in this there are Signs for such as are firmly patient and
constant,- grateful and appreciative.


Your servant and colleague in our search



From: Matt Haase [] 
Sent: 23 December 2010 16:13
To: Khazeh
Subject: Re: respect for prophets (Unity of Prophets) Gilberto and Naison
Jones's interesting exchange


Salam Alaykum, Khazeh




On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 2:24 AM, Khazeh <> wrote:

Gilberto Simpson  <> wrote saying that he agrees with Matt Haase


I agree with what you wrote. The last time I brought this up, it pissed
people off too much so I won't give any analysis. But the concerns you
express definitely resonate with the following passage from the writings.

Quoting the Guardian Shoghi Effendi:


Islám, at once the progenitor and persecutor of the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh,
is, if we read aright the signs of the times, only beginning to sustain the
impact of this invincible and triumphant Faith. We need only recall the
nineteen hundred years of abject misery and dispersion which they, who only
for the short space of three years persecuted the Son of God, have had to
endure, and are still enduring.

We may well ask ourselves, with mingled feelings of dread and awe, how
severe must be the tribulations of those who, during no less than fifty
years, have, "at every moment tormented with a fresh torment"

Him Who is the Father, and who have, in addition, made His Herald--Himself a
Manifestation of God--to quaff, in such tragic circumstances, the cup of


The Holocaust and the Greater Plan of God




The Promised Day is Come


Gilberto Simpson



On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 11:15 AM, Matt Haase <
<>  wrote:

  The Baha'i Studies Listserv

  Collective guilt is such a fascinating concept to me. This idea that 

  people living hundreds or even thousands of years apart from certain 

  event, can somehow be blamed for (insert whatever bad action here) is 

  very peculiar to me. I find it astonishing that some people still 

  accept this basic logical fallacy, and think it is a decent argument. 

  You are right, this is how anti-Semitism started. I shudder to think in 

  a thousand years, those Muslim children will be beaten up at school by 

  their Baha'i classmates for being a "Babi killer." Some people might 

  laugh at the thought now, but when talk such as "this is what your 

  people have done" is allowed to fester and go on for hundreds of years,
who knows what that can lead to?

Khazeh writes lovingly and humbly yet again:

The scenario you (Gilberto) and Matt present is not realistic, not
compatible with the essence of the Bahai Faith and its teachings and it
almost shows as if you are on this list to prevent to impede to obstruct the
process of people becoming familiar with the Bahai faith and Its teachings
and to frighten and intimidate the enquirer. It is not fair especially on
your part Gilberto S who have been so many years on this list.



The Bahai Faith considers itself to be the essence of Islam and Its Spirit.
This is the alpha and omega of our thesis and that the Manifestations of God
are One in Their Essence.

The same beloved Guardian that you quote from the PDIC wrote about the
absolute oneness of the Prophets.

The Bahai Children of the future as well as the Bahai Children of this age
and adults like me on the verge of leaving this world are taught the same
truth *the absolute oneness of the Prophets.

**the principle, underlying the utterances of Bahá'u'lláh -- utterances that
have established for all time the absolute oneness of all the Prophets,
Himself included, whether belonging to the past or to the future.


            (Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Baha'u'llah, p. 166)



That is the point ** the absolute oneness of all the Prophets, Himself
included, whether belonging to the past or to the future**


And the Guardian says the same as Baha’u’llah

** Know thou assuredly that the essence of all the Prophets of God is one
and the same. Their unity is absolute.


            (Baha'u'llah, Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, p. 78)


So if you meet a Moslem on this list Gilberto you should inform them
lovingly that Baha’is in all their sacred scriptures believe in this
absolute oneness.



The Guardian is writing in the “Promised Day is Come” Passage about his
dread and awe as to what may transpire if the rejections and hatreds and
persecutions continue.

No one is wishing for sorrow and pain but one always dreads as to what
could/would/transpire if the divine justice is trampled upon, if the cry of
the orphan and persecuted is not responded to


This is what the Divine Prisoner of the barracks of ‘Akka wrote to Napoléon
the Third

** It behooveth thee not to conduct thine affairs according to the dictates
of thy desires. Fear the sighs of this Wronged One, and shield Him from the
darts of such as act unjustly. For what thou hast done, thy kingdom shall be
thrown into confusion, and thine empire shall pass from thine hands, as a
punishment for that which thou hast wrought. Then wilt thou know how thou
hast plainly erred


            (Shoghi Effendi, The Promised Day is Come, p. 30)


And the people of Baha know that it is Muh.ammad HimSelf Who is lamenting
and WEEPING the behavior of the cruel ones

** "Wert thou to hear with Mine ear," He also declares, "thou wouldst hear
how Ali [the Bab] bewaileth Me in the presence of the Glorious Companion,
and how Muhammad weepeth over Me in the all-highest Horizon, and how the
Spirit [Jesus] beateth Himself upon the head in the heaven of My decree, by
reason of what hath befallen this Wronged One at the hands of every impious


            (Shoghi Effendi, The Promised Day is Come, p. 9)


Pause for even A MILLISECOND: THAT IT IS Muh.ammad Who is weeping today OVER
Baha’u’llah’s sufferings.


Addressing one of the killers of Baha’is in my native land Baha’u’llah
(writing with the Voice of God) says:

** Thou hast torn in pieces a remnant of the Prophet Himself, and imagined
that thou hadst  helped the Faith of God. Thus hath thy soul prompted thee,
and thou art truly one of the heedless. Thine act hath consumed the hearts
of the Concourse on high, and those of such as have circled round the Cause
of God, the Lord of the worlds. The soul of the Chaste One (Fatimih) melted,
by reason of thy cruelty, and the inmates of Paradise wept sore in that
blessed Spot




We love Muh.ammad (PBUH). We will always love Him.

Look at the pages of the Iqan. 

Has any one read this sacred Book? Recently?

Mirza Abu’l-faz.l read it more than a hundred times…


** It is evident that wretched generation (the opposers and persecutors of
the Prophet), in their wicked and satanic fancy, regarded every injury to
that immortal Being (Muh.ammad) as a means to the attainment of an abiding
felicity; inasmuch as the recognized divines of that age, such as
Abdu'llah-i-Ubayy, Abu-'Amir, the hermit, Ka'b-Ibn-i-Ashraf, and
Nadr-Ibn-i-Harith, all treated Him as an impostor, and pronounced Him a
lunatic and a calumniator. Such sore accusations they brought against Him
that in recounting them God forbiddeth the ink to flow, Our pen to move, or
the page to bear them. These malicious imputations provoked the people to
arise and torment Him. And how fierce that torment if the divines of the age
be its chief instigators, if they denounce Him to their followers, cast Him
out from their  midst, and declare Him a miscreant! Hath not the same
befallen this Servant, and been witnessed by all?


For this reason did Muhammad cry out: "No Prophet of God hath suffered such
harm as I have suffered." And in the Qur'án are recorded all the calumnies
and reproaches uttered against Him, as well as all the afflictions which He
suffered. Refer ye thereunto, that haply ye may be informed of that which
hath befallen His Revelation. So grievous was His plight, that for a time
all ceased to hold intercourse with Him and His companions. Whoever
associated with Him fell a victim to the relentless cruelty of His enemies.


We shall cite in this connection only one verse of that Book. Shouldst thou
observe it with a discerning eye, thou wilt, all the remaining days of thy
life, lament and bewail the injury of Muhammad, that wronged and oppressed
Messenger of God. That verse was revealed at a time when Muhammad languished
weary and sorrowful beneath the weight of the opposition of the people, and
of their unceasing torture. In the midst of His agony, the Voice of Gabriel,
calling from the Sadratu'l-Muntaha, was heard saying: "But if their
opposition  be grievous to Thee -- if Thou canst, seek out an opening into
the earth or a ladder into heaven."The implication of this utterance is that
His case had no remedy, that they would not withhold their hands from Him
unless He should hide Himself beneath the depths of the earth, or take His
flight unto heaven.


            (Baha'u'llah, The Kitab-i-Iqan, p. 108)


Can anyone honestly think that we or the Bahai Scriptures are against Islam
in Its truth?


Please please Gilberto be fair and do not impede the river of love and truth
and reconciliation to flow.



…this Faith is now increasingly demonstrating its right to be recognized,
not as one more religious system superimposed on the conflicting creeds
which for so many generations have divided mankind and darkened its
fortunes, but rather as a restatement of the eternal verities underlying all
the religions of the past, as a unifying force instilling into the adherents
of these religions a new spiritual vigor, infusing them with a new hope and
love for mankind, firing them with a new vision of fundamental unity of
their religious doctrines, and unfolding to their eyes the glorious destiny
that awaits the human race.


            (Shoghi Effendi)


I will be away from this PC for a week and who knows away from this world
too soon enough but I will still daily pray for our Moslem brothers and
sisters to recognize the Promises of the Qur’an.






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