The Baha'i Studies Listserv
On 29 Dec 2010 at 20:01, Gilberto Simpson wrote:

> I'm just interested in discussing the forms of warfare / jihad which
> would have permissible under Muhammad (saaws) or the Imams. Are you
> saying that Muhammad and/or the Imams led offensive raids?

In my Church and State and on my blog, I've presented an alternative 
explanation of the role of Muhammad and the Meccan Muslims in Medina. 
Basically, I think the elders of Medina decided to outsource their 
security, as Taif and Mecca had done: contracting a particular group 
to provide external security. In the case of Medina, that meant 
running patrols in the surrounding area, maintaining friendly 
contacts with nomadic peoples, collecting taxes from caravans passing 
through the territory dominated by Medina, and encouraging caravans 
to come to Medina. 

This effort (jihad) was what was required of the Meccan Muslims, in 
return for a place of refuge for them in the settlement. Surah 2:218, 
for example, refers to those who have migrated and have engaged in 
jihad (haajaruu wa jaahhaduu), but this jihand is simply the 
`efforts´ (jahuud, jihaad) that the migrants had to make in return 
for their residence in Medina. At that time, there was no state of 
war with Mecca. The few Medinan Muslims did not participate in the 
jihad, they were not part of that contract. 

For more detail see my blog at:



Ninth, religion is separated from politics. Religion does not enter 
into political 
matters. In fact, it is linked with the hearts, not with the world of 
bodies. The 
leaders of religion should devote themselves to teaching and training 
the souls 
and propagating good morals, and they should not enter into political 

matters.(~Abdu'l-Baha, in London, see )


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