The Baha'i Studies Listserv
I think respect applies to persons, not to ideas or belief systems or
ideologies. If you critique a Christian or Islamic doctrine, belief, law, or
teaching, it doesn't mean you are disrespecting the Christian or Muslim
person. That's why you consort with people of all Faiths or no faith and you
don't consider a Christian or an atheist "najas".

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 6:46 PM, Matt Haase <> wrote:

> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> Yes, you should respect all people regardless of their religious
> affiliations. Even if you think we believe in stupid things, your religion
> says you have to respect people of all religions. It doesn't say, "respect
> people of all religions, only if they agree with Baha'i teachings." And just
> fyi, I think the Baha'i Faith is a beautiful religion, and I am a Muslim.
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 3:59 AM, Firouz <> wrote:
>> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> On 30/12/2010 1:13 AM, Susan Maneck wrote:
>>> My religion is Baha'i which teaches us to respect Islam.
>> Dear Susan,
>> Respecting Islam is not the same as respecting Muslims with whatever they
>> believe as Islamic. I think these days what many Muslims believe is not the
>> teaching of Islam, but mostly the teaching of some clergies or false
>> Ahadith. Should we as Baha'is respect such Muslims with some distorted views
>> of their religions. By not recognizing Baha'u'llah and this Day as the Day
>> of God, Muslims have failed to be faithful to the Teachings of Holy Quran
>> and Prophet Muhamad. What many Muslims believe today is some idle fancies
>> and imagining.
>> Best regards,
>> Firouz
>> __________________________________________________

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