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Here is Manakji's Fourth Question

"Some maintain that whatsoever is in accordance with the dictates of
nature and of the intellect must needs be both permissible and
compulsory in the divine law, and conversely that one should refrain
from observing that which is incompatible with these standards. Others
believe that whatsoever hath been enjoined by the divine law and its
blessed Author should be accepted without rational proof or natural
evidence and obeyed without question or reservation, such as the march
between Safa and Marwah, the stoning of the pillar of Jamrah, he
washing of one's feet during ablutions, and so on. Kindly indicate
which of these positions is acceptable."

        Baha'u'llah insists that Manakji is establishing a false dichotomy.
Human reason varies according to the capacity of the individual and
unaided cannot be a sufficient guide. The Manifestation, however,
constitutes the Divine Mind and Perfect Intellect.  Therefore when one
recognizes him one attains true understanding. Certain ritual acts are
performed in each age  to emblazon the God's name and for this reason
they are rewarded. He uses the example of Muhammad's changing the
Qiblih from Jerusalem to Mecca as an example of this, for it served to
establish who the true believers were. In order to prove his point
that the Manifestation himself is the embodiment of reason, he uses
Zoroaster Himself as an example:
"Matters have come to such a pass that the people of the world have
grown accustomed toI iniquity and flee from fair-mindedness. A divine
Manifestation Who hath extolled and magnified the one true God,
exalted be His glory, Who hath borne witness to His knowldge and
confessed that His Essence is sanctified above all things and exalted
beyond every comparison--such a Manifestation hath been called at
various times a worshipper of the sun or a fire-worshipper. . .. One
of the great Prophets Whom the foolish ones of Persia in this day
reject uttered these sublime words: "The sun is but a dense and
spherical mass. It deserveth not to be called God or the Almighty. For
the almighty Lord is He Whom no human comprehension can ever conceive,
Whom no earthly knowledge can circumscribe, and Whose Essence none
hath ever been or shall ever be able to fathom". Consider how
eloquently, how solemnly He hath affirmed the very truth that God is
proclaiming in this day."

Baha'u'llah is therefore indicating that Zoroaster himself was
rejected on the basis of what some imagined to be human reason even
though it turned out He was telling the truth. This passage is
clearest instance where Baha'u'llah affirms the prophethood of

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