The Baha'i Studies Listserv
Hi Friends,

My question regarding Charisma and Ruhi is due to spotting this definition
in Wikipedia under the listing for New Religious Movements. If you replace
the word cult with the word movement you get what they refer to as the
social model. I can¹t help but view the Ruhi movement as being something
separate from the rest of the Baha¹i community as a result of its own jargon
and community agenda. Am I wrong in believing that without a Ruhi
³education² you can¹t serve the Faith?


Below is what I cut and pasted from Wiki.

Charismatic movements:

NRMs based on charismatic leadership often follow the routinization of
<> ,
as described by the German sociologist Max Weber
<> .
In their book Theory of Religion, Rodney Stark and William Sims Bainbridge
propose that the formation of "cults" can be explained through a combination
of four models:] 

* The psycho-pathological model ­ the cult founder suffers from
psychological problems; he develops the cult in order to resolve these
problems for himself, as a form of self-therapy

* The entrepreneurial model ­ the cult founder acts like an entrepreneur,
trying to develop a religion which he/she thinks will be most attractive to
potential recruits, often based on his/her experiences from previous cults
or other religious groups he/she has belonged to

* The social model ­ the cult is formed through a social implosion, in which
cult members dramatically reduce the intensity of their emotional bonds with
non-cult members, and dramatically increase the intensity of those bonds
with fellow cult members ­ this emotionally intense situation naturally
encourages the formation of a shared belief system and rituals.

* The normal revelations model ­ the cult is formed when the founder chooses
to interpret ordinary natural phenomena as supernatural, such as by
ascribing his or her own creativity in inventing the cult to that of the

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