The Baha'i Studies Listserv

I forgot to add the above links.

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On Apr 17, 2013, at 12:15, Stephen Kent Gray <> wrote:

> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> Also, I have a question about non-Bahais in a Bahai society, if such a thing 
> will exist given the monopolistic stranglehold just four religions virtually 
> have on the world religious market. 
> Would non-Bahais be bound by Baha'i laws or not?
> Why should non-Bahais care about Baha'i laws?
> How should public policy be decided in current societies whether Jewish, 
> Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, etc?
> Sent from my iPad
> On Apr 16, 2013, at 17:10, Gary Selchert <> wrote:
>> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> Stephen seems to want desperately to flush us out of the underbrush on the 
>> issue of all things LGBT. Clearly, the public Baha’i rules about gayness are 
>> at odds with the customs of our (western) society in much the same way that  
>> Baha’i rules concerning alcoholic beverages are at odds with the customs of 
>> our society. They drink; we are prohibited from drinking. We are prohibited 
>> from doing what gay folks do. Personally, I would way rather have a drink of 
>> something strong than do what gay folks do, but that’s just me. I was born a 
>> heterosexual and I know that no one born with my particular preferences 
>> would never be inclined to choose to pursue same-sex physical/romantic 
>> relationships. Personally, I would be leery of encouraging a gay person or a 
>> devoted aficionado of microbreweries to enroll as a Baha’i, (no dang it; I 
>> am not comparing homosexuality to alcoholism; I am comparing it to regular 
>> social drinking!) regardless of their beliefs or other sterling qualities. 
>> Folks with full knowledge of the rules who do enroll as Baha’is despite 
>> their incompatible preferences (how many of us can truthfully deny a 
>> predilection for back-biting?) have a ready-made spiritual battle to fight.
>> Having said all that, the history of religions is replete with examples of 
>> the power of desuetude. Meditate on the laws of Deuteronomy chapters 21 and 
>> 22. Ponder deeply the issues of Acts 4:32 – 5:13. Remember fondly Matthew 
>> 19:3 – 12 and all the fun the churches have had down through the centuries 
>> with issues of marriage and divorce.
>> Some laws are specifically abrogated; others just fall into desuetude as 
>> they become unhelpful and create barriers to inclusion and the salvation of 
>> the masses. Obdurate repudiation of desuetude turns great religions into 
>> tiny separatist cults.
>> But perhaps all of that is ancient history and irrelevant in the New Order. 
>> Perhaps the law is engraved in stone until the next Manifestation. I don’t 
>> know. I will watch from the next world with mild curiosity about how our 
>> great-great grandchildren work it all out. But I suspect not too many 
>> generations will pass before Baha’is think about homosexuality in much the 
>> same way that Catholics think about contraception. 
>> But who knows?
>> GS 
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Stephen Kent Gray <>
>> To: Baha'i Studies <>
>> Sent: Tue, Apr 16, 2013 11:15 am
>> Subject: Re: Against nature...
>> The Baha'i Studies Listserv
>> Opps, needed to correct one of the links.
>> The other redirected to this one anyways.
>> Don, what if the influence of all secular progressivism went away, what 
>> would society look like?
>> What if America or whatever else society you want to insert instead, became 
>> desecularized...
>> And became a Unitarian Universalists society?
>> A Neo Druidist society?
>> A Wiccan society?
>> A Raëlian society?
>> An Eckist society?
>> A Liberal Hindu society?
>> A Liberal Mahayana Buddhist society?
>> A Liberal Muslim society?
>> A Liberal Jewish society?
>> A Liberal Christian society?
>> Sent from my iPad
>> On Apr 15, 2013, at 16:10, Stephen Kent Gray <> wrote:
>>> The Baha'i Studies Listserve
>>> Don, you seem to think its only because of secularism that everyone isn't 
>>> on the same page you?
>>> Read all the above Wikipedia articles on the various religious and 
>>> theological viewpoints.

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