Pak Suja, Wijaya, Mbak Silvia, dan semeton semuanya...


Dalam tingkat kebijaksanaan Nasional sekarang ini memang PLN sedang
gencar-gencar meningkatkan produksi listrik dari pembangkit batubara,
karena memang sampai sekarang itu yang paling murah yang tersedia
berlimpah di Indonesia.. (baca berita dibawah)


Namun khusus untuk Bali seperti yang disampaikan Wijaya, Pak Suja dan
Mbak Silvia, memang perlu kebijaksanaan khusus agar dibangun alternative
bukan dari batubara tapi dari sumber yang ramah lingkungan...

Walaupun mungkin cost-nya akan lebih mahal...

Pembangkit listrik tenaga air (di Buleleng ada puluhan air terjun yang

Atau Cable Listrik Jawa-Bali...

Atau mulai sekarang kita menghemat listrik..

Misalnya di bungalow-nya Mbak Silvia, daripada menggunakan bola-lampu
listrik coba buat lampu dari minyak kelapa..

Selain ramah lingkungan, minyak kelapa bisa diperoleh dari penduduk
local, atau bisa juga pakai minyak bekas dipakai menggoreng (lengis
yinyihan : bhs Bali) daripada dibuang..Lampu minyak kelapa kesannya akan
eksotis..saya yakin para tamu/wisatawan juga suka....







Source: Petromindo.Com

          State-owned electricity company PLN will sign today
engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contracts for four
coal-fired power plants (PLTU) to be built in outside Java. 

          Yogo Pratomo, the head of PLN's team for the crash program to
build 10,000 megawatt power plants, said in Jakarta on Sunday that the
contracts for the four power projects which have a combined capacity of
168 megawatt (MW) were worth about US$1 million per megawatt. 

          The four power projects are PLTU Kalimantan Tengah (2x60 MW)
in Central Kalimantan which will be built by a consortium comprising of
PT Mega Power Mandri and two Chinese companies Shandong Electric Power
Construction and China National Heavy Machinery; PLTU MW Tanjung Balai
Karimun (2x7 MW) in Riau islands, PLTU Kendari in Southeast Sulawesi
(2x10 MW),and PLTU Ende-Flores (2x7 MW) in East Nusa Tenggara, which
will be built by a consortium of Shandong Electric Power Construction
and PT Rekadaya Elektrika. 

          "We hope the four power plants can begin commercial operation
within the next 24 months or at the end of 2010," he said, adding that
with the signing of the four power projects, the construction of all the
power plants was expected to be on schedule. 

          PLN earlier signed EPC contracts for five similar projects to
be built outside Java. They include the PLTU Lampung (2 x 100 MW), PLTU
North Sumatra (2 x 100 MW), PLTU North Sulawesi (2 x 25 MW); PLTU
Gorontalo (2 x 25 MW) and PLTU West Nusa Tenggara (2 x 25 MW). 

          The EPC contracts for 16 other coal-fired power plants to be
built outside Java would be signed in February and March, he added. 

          Yogo said all the power projects to be built outside Java
would cost US$3 billion. PLN will invite local and foreign banks to
provide the financing. (*) 




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