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Rina Rinso - bundanya Nadya

Warning Signs of a Language/Communication Developmental Delay

Children learn language at different rates, but most follow a general
timeline (though preemies may be off schedule by a few weeks or months). If
your child doesn't seem to be meeting communication milestones within
several weeks of the average, ask her pediatrician about it. It may be
nothing, but if your child is delayed in some way, recognizing and treating
the problem early will keep his later learning and communication skills from
being compromised.
Keep in mind that the timetable for language development is broad, and your
child may run into small roadblocks along the way. You may find your
preschooler repeating a word several times in the middle of a sentence as a
way of holding your attention as she formulates the rest of her thought.
(This is not the same thing as stuttering.) As long as she can speak clearly
by the time she's ready for first grade, your child's on track. But as a
general rule, trust your instincts. If something seems wrong to you, ask
about it. After all, you know your child best. (Our language evaluation
tests can help, too.) That said, keep your eye out for any of the following
possible warning signs; if it helps, print out this form for a helpful

Call your child's doctor or a speech pathologist if your child:
Age: Warning Signs: Check Here
4 to 6 months by 4 months, doesn't imitate the sounds her parents make

by 6 months, isn't laughing or squealing

Age: Warning Signs: Check Here
8 to 10 months by 8 or 9 months, isn't using sounds to get your attention

by 9 months, hasn't begun babbling

at 10 months, doesn't respond to her name

by 9 or 10 months, isn't letting you know when she's happy or upset

Age: Warning Signs: Check Here
12 to 15 months at 12 months, doesn't use gestures such as waving or shaking
her head

by 12 months, isn't using at least a couple of consonants (c, b, etc.)

by 12 months, isn't somehow communicating to you when she needs help with

at 15 months, doesn't understand and respond to words like "no" and

by 15 months, isn't using at least six different gestures (waving, pointing,

by 15 months, can't say at least one to three words

Age: Warning Signs: Check Here
18 to 24 months at 18 months, isn't saying at least six to ten words

by 18 to 20 months, isn't pointing out things of interest, such as a bird or
airplane overhead

by 20 months, isn't making at least six consonant sounds

at 21 months, doesn't respond to simple directions

by 21 months, doesn't pretend with her dolls or herself (brushing her hair,
feeding her doll, etc.)

at 24 months, can't join two words together

at 24 months, doesn't know the function of common household objects —
toothbrush, telephone, fork, etc.

by 24 months, doesn't imitate actions or words of others

at 2 years, doesn't point to body parts when asked

Age: Warning Signs: Check Here
30 to 36 months at 30 months, can't be understood by anyone in her family

at 36 months, uses no simple sentences, doesn't ask questions, and can't be
understood by strangers

Age: Warning Signs: Check Here
3 to 4 years at 3, can't speak in short phrases

at 3, is unable to understand short instructions

at 3, has no interest in interacting with other children

at 3, has extreme difficulty separating from a parent

at 3½, consistently fails to add final consonant to words (for example,
saying "ca" instead of "cat")

at 4 years, still stutters frequently

at 4, isn't almost fully understandable

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