Titipan teman....sebenarnya sih ngga sreg ngepromosiinnya....abis 
aksesoris kompetitor sihhh..hehehhe...
tp karena temen..yah cincay...lah...................

* Sekaligus reminder...bagi yg mo beli motor yamaha khusus 
MX...buruan...lho tahun depan harga naikkkk hehehehe *

----- Forwarded by sefty YMKI/YAMAHA on 12/16/2005 11:11 AM -----

"Junaidi lie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
12/16/2005 11:23 AM
Please respond to

"sefty_YMKI \(E-mail\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

FW: Aksesoris Motor

Bu Sefty nitip jual donk...kali aja ada yg nyari...thanks ya

Dijual aksesoris motor second - kondisi oke = Pakai di Karisma
1. Pelek Palang 6 merek "Daichi Alloy" lebar dpn 160 - 17 ", blk 185 - 17 
" (+) Disk Depan Model TZM Uk 320cm.
    Dulu beli 2.250  --> lepas 1.750  (nego)
2. Sokbreker - Gas nitrogen merk "Kitaco", Beli 1.750 mo lepas 1.100 
(nego) tinggal pasang... ...
HP 08129072272 

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