Masih pada on line nich....
Pulang dulu ya............

Mama Najla 

-----Original Message-----
From: Arlita Soedjito [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 4:44 PM
Subject: [balita-anda] BIRTHDAY LIST

Dear all


Berhubung aku lagi buka list BA Birthdayku sekalian aja deh aku mau ngucapin


Happy Belated Birthday (maafkan kalo terlambat :-) ) to :


1.      Alia & Anya-nya mbak Ade Suci (Jan 3 & Jan 4)
2.      Irgen Gibran-nya mbak Tasyana (Jan 7)
3.      Alvero-nya mbak Ika (Jan 10)
4.      Jesse James-nya pak Rommy (Jan 11)
5.      Mbak Jusma-mama Nata & Raysya (Jan 1)
6.      Mbak Sandra-mama Gabriella (Jan 3)


And Happy Birthday to Daffa Aryanda-nya mbak Wanda (Jan 12)


Wishing you all the best !!



Lita - mama Alif & Aksa

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