ikutan terserang virus yg sama....
jadi, spt penyakit lama BA, imel virus yg banyak tsb, nyumbat 'lalulintas'
imel...akhirnya bikin lelet, lemot plus basi....
pak Rahman dan webmaster lg kerja keras bikin BA normal lagi....
cm, dedlain waktunya gak pasti....
bgitu inti imel Japri pemberitahuan Pak Rahman...sayangnya aku gak nyimpen,
jadi gak bisa forward...
mom yg dapet, msh nyimpen gak?[aku dah cari diarsip situs, juga gak
ada...prasaan pk jalum juga koq]

On 1/27/06, Angina's Mom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Btw BA kan gak pake yahoo Ci, kenapa yah ikut ikutan delay?
> (sorry one liner)
> --
> Best regards,
> Angina's Mom
> http://www.tristania-angina.com/blog
> Thursday, January 26, 2006, 10:14:18 AM, you wrote:
> m> Dapet dr MOD milis sehat....
> m> Jd tau nehhh knapa yahoo nelat mlulu akhi2 ini...
> m> smoga cepet baikan yah yahoonya...
> m> Uci mamaKavin
> m> --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Luluk Lely Soraya I" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> m> Dear SPs,
> m> Krn server Yahoogroups juga diserang worm virus, krn itu terjadi delay
> m> besar2an dalam pengiriman
> m> email. Termasuk pengiriman email di milis sehat utk member sehat yg
> m> mauknya
> m> tidak menentu
> m> (Mis. dikirim kemarin, sampainya besok, dsbnya).
> m> Mohon dimaklumi.
> m> Sekali lagi, aktifkan antivirus dan selalu update antivirusnya.
> m> Krn tiap hari selalu ada virus baru yg beredar.
> m> Salam sehat,
> m> Luluk
> m> ~On behalf od Mods SEHAT~
> m> ----- Original Message -----
> m> From: Gordon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> m> Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 4:53 AM
> m> Subject: [yg-alerts] Email Delays
> m> Hi Folks,
> m> Should have posted this earlier, but I wanted to let everyone know
> m> that we are aware of the delays in email delivery that are affecting
> m> many groups right now. The problem is not related to any of the
> m> database and hardware work we were doing earlier in the year.
> m> Rather, the primary cause is the "My Wife virus
> m> (http://vil.nai.com/vil/content/v_138027.htm), which has caused a
> m> huge spike in the number of emails sent to Yahoo! Groups. This spike
> m> has gone beyond the capacity of our current systems to handle, which
> m> is causing the delays in email delivery.
> m> We have already taken two steps to address the issue, which has
> m> begun to reduce the number of delays:
> m> - We are dropping (i.e. not delivering) all outgoing email that
> m> includes the virus (in other words, we are not sending infected
> m> messages to groups).
> m> - We have added additional server capacity
> m> And we are planning to increase that capacity even more. However,
> m> until the virus has fully played itself out or more ISPs have taken
> m> steps to reduce the amount of email they are sending to us (by
> m> dropping messages that contain the virus rather than forcing us to
> m> do it), there may continue to be some delays.
> m> Our apologies for any inconvenience.
> m> - Gordon
> m> Yahoo! Groups Team
> m> --- End forwarded message ---
> ================
> Kirim bunga, http://www.indokado.com
> Info balita: http://www.balita-anda.com
> Stop berlangganan/unsubscribe dari milis ini, e-mail ke:
> Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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