Setuju banget.  Kalo pengalamanku sih, air es, ok2 aja, masak sih ngaruh.....  
Mana tahan gak boleh minum es di Jakarta?...hehehe..  Tp kalo makanan pedes, 
anakku ngaruh.  Dia mencret setiap aku makan pedes.   Karena kebetulan aku gak 
gitu doyan pedes, ya ok2 aja sih puasa pedes.  Tp itu waktu dia masih bayi 
banget.  Begitu udah diatas 6 bulan, udah gak asi eksklusif lagi, gak ada 
masalah lagi.  Mau pedes, asam, panas, dingin, gak ngaruh tuh....  Dia doyan2 
aja minumnya.  
  Tp bayi beda2 ada yg sensitif ada yg tidak pencernaannya, Ini ada kutipan 
dari buku yg aku punya : The Baby Book by William Sears, MD.
  Upsetting Foods in Breastmilk,
  ..... but some babies are sensitive to certain foods in mother's diet.  
Upsetting foods can enter your milk and upset baby as early as two hours after 
you eat them.  A clue to food sensitive as a cause of fussy, colicky behaviour 
is a pattern called twenty-four-hour colic - a definite episode of hurting that 
occurss within twenty four hours after the breastfeeding mother eats a suspect 
food but that does not recur until the next time she eats the same food.   
Watch for these offenders:
  -Dairy products
  -Caffeine-containing foods : soft drinks, chocolate, coffee, tea, etc 
(usually a mother must consume a large amount of these products to bother the 
  -Grain and Nuts:  the most allergenic of these are wheat, corn, peanut
  -Spicy foods (spicy or garlicky foods)
  -Gassy foods : brocoli, onions, brussels, sprouts, green peppers, 
cauliflower, cabbage,  These vegetables in the raw state may bother babies, but 
the are less likely to be offensive when cooked.  ..............
  Caranya tau alergi sama yg mana... ya dicoba aja mbak......bayi kan beda2..
  Semoga membantu.....  

intan dima <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
lagian badan manusia kan gak sesimple kayak badan beo (yg kalo makan kates, 
ee'nya kates juga)
banyak sekali proses metabolisme didalam tubuh lho mbak... jadi ngga ada itu 
namanya kalo kita minum air es, asi jadi dingin juga.....

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "mama kavindra" 
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Nanya Seputar ASI

Gak bener kok Mba...
Saya msih ASI smp saat ini Kavin 22 bln... minum es jaln terus but ga tuh ga
pilek si Kavin... krn nehhh ASI klo udah kluar dr payudara suhunya mah
normal2 aja...
utk pedes juga gitu gpp kok anakku ga mencret juga saat aku makan pedes...
artikelnya nyusul yakkks..

Uci mamaKavin

To: balita anda 
Subject: [balita-anda] Nanya Seputar ASI
From: meity soenarso Add to Contacts
Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 21:49:29 -0800 (PST)
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Nanya dong, kalo makan pedes bikin ASI pedes juga & bayi bisa mencret,
& minum es juga bikin ASI dingin jadi bayi bisa pilek, bener ga sih...?
Ada yang ngasih penjelasan secara ilmiah ga..?

Thq & Best Rgds,
Esa & Rere's Mom

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