----- Original Message ----- From: "Jusuf Jaya Kusuma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] telinga anak mengeluarkan cairan bening {info dari sehat group}

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Infeksi telinga

Question : saya mo nanya nich mbak, mbak ada bil kl minum susu pake dot bisa infeksi telinga, itu bisa gara2 apa ya mbak ? soalnya anak saya (kevin) kl minum susu pasti sambil tiduran disanggah bantal.soalnya dia belom bisa pegang botol susu sendiri (9 bulan).kalo mimi susu dengan dot selalu sambil tiduran. walau tidak tidura sekali, disangga bantal tinggi seluruh badannya. jadi kayak setengah duduk. Soalnya Ara belum bisa duduk sendiri (5,5 bulan). Nah, kalo diminumin sambil duduk, disangga pengasuhnya, dia malah gak mau mimi sama sekali. malah main-mainan dotnya. trus susunya tumpah2 kemana2, karena dia tidak fokus miminya. sedang kalo sambil setengah tiduran, dia fokus, mungkin sambil melihat mimik wajah yang memberinya susu.gimana ya...
erlin st

Answer 1 : Mbak Erlin,Aku copy paste dari mengenai penyebab ear infections yach.Cairan yang masuk ke lubang telinga anak kita itu bisa disebabkan saat anak kita ngedot sambil tiduran. Gimana klo Kevin dilatih ngedot sambil duduk, dotnya dipengangin mamanya atau BS nya juga bisa tapi posisi Kevin duduk, bisa duduk sambil senderan ke dinding atau bantal yang empuk. Hal itu saya latih ke Ruth juga dan dia sekarang mau aja ngedot sambil duduk even sejak saya latih itu sebetulnya dia lebih seneng mik susu dari cup pake sedotan karena klo ngedot sambil duduk kan agak susah ya gampangan pake sippy cup or sedotan. Ya malah bagus sih biar dia nggak addicted to dot juga, nggak bikin susah hehehe..What causes ear infections?An ear infection results when fluid and bacteria build up in the area around your baby's eardrum. Normally any fluid that enters this area leaves pretty quickly through the Eustachian tube (which connects the middle ear to the back of the nose and throat) when your baby yawns or swallows. But if the Eustachian tube is blocked - common during colds,sinus infections, even allergy season - it traps the fluid in the middle ear. Bacteria like to grow in dark, warm, wet places, so a fluid-filled ear becomes the perfect breeding ground. As the infection worsens, so does the swelling in and around the eardrum, and, as a result, the pain.Fever develops as your baby's body attempts to fight the infection.Babies are particularly susceptible to ear infections because their Eustachian tubes are short (about 1/2 inch) and horizontal. As they grow to adulthood, the tube triples in length to 1 1/2 inches and become more vertical, so fluid can drain more easily. Ear infections are one of the most common childhood illnesses. Although there are no statistics on how many babies get them, the American Academy of Pediatrics expects that most children will have gotten at least one ear infection by the time they turn 3.

Answer 2 : Mbak,Coba ikutan ya..Kalau bryan mimik semenjak bisa duduk dan ga bisa diam, botolnya diberi sedotan yang bisa nempel di dot. Sehingga dia lebih leluasa minum sambil tangannya maen. Sehingga acara mimiknya juga jadi menyenangkan. Botol seperti ini bisa dibeli langsung dengan sedotannya (1 set) atau bisa beli sedotannya saja.Sedotan ini ada pemberatnya, jadi bukan dari jenis sedotan biasa.semoga membantu
lenny, mama bryan

Answer 3 : Moms,aku cuplik kan jawaban dokter Wati dari Bunga Rampai 20A mengenai ngedot sambil tiduran yach.
Selvi, saya pernah membahas bahwasanya anak jangan dibiasakan berangkat tidur sambil minum susu artinya jangan dibiasakan tiduran sambil minum botol, baik dengan atau tanpa bantal. Kamu benar, selain infeksi telinga juga jadi bottle decay alias gigi keropos karena susu Ok perlahan diubah deh, minum 1 jam sebelum bobo lalu bersihkan gigi anak.Aduuuh maaf nature is calling mesti menyiapkan makan malamciaogood luck

Answer 4 : Mba Erlin,Saya coba bantu dengan mengirim artikel dari dr. Sears yg pernah dikirim mbak Arie sebulan yll.Does breastfeeding while lying down cause ear infections?"After 10-11 months of nothing worse than a cold, my one-year-old daughter has had constant ear infections. I know that giving a child a bottle while lying down can contribute to ear infections, but what about breastfeeding while lying down? We have recently started co-sleeping full time to allow me to get more sleep, so I am feeding her lying down all night. Could this be contributing to her ear infections?" It is true that drinking formula or juice while lying down can increase the risk of ear infections. This is because the liquid can enter the eustacian tube and introduce bacteria or viruses into the middle ear.The many germ-fighting ingredients in human milk keep harmful bacteria from bothering baby, so that stuffed-up noses and ears are less likely to become infected middle ears. Because breastfed babies are fed in a more upright position, they're less likely to experience milk backing up through the eustachian tube into their ears; if this does happen during a breastfeeding session, human milk is less irritating to the tissues of the middle ear than infant formula. Breastfed babies have fewer, or at least less severe, colds than formula-fed babies. Fewer colds means fewer ear infections. Breastfed babies have fewer respiratory allergies,another cause of fluid building up in the middle ear, which setts the stage for bacteria to grow.
Semoga membantu,

Answer 5 : Mbak Erlin,Memang sulit melatih anak kita mengubah kebiasaannya. Tapi itu semua perlu dilatih. Lama2 dia pasti bisa deh mbak, walaupun awalnya agak sulit. Disinilah kita jadi belajar sabar dan telaten. hehehe Kebetulan anak saya (Nat, 8 bln) nggak mau minum pake dot, jadi dia gak pernah minum sambil tiduran. Tapi waktu awal ajarin dia minum susu disendokin juga susah banget banyakan yg tumpahnya. Tapi lama2 dia terbiasa juga. Sekarang saya lagi mau ajarin dia minum pake training cup. Susah juga tapi mau nggak mau harus dicoba. Kan ada pepatah Alah bisa karena biasa Jadi kalo nggak dicoba dan dilatih terus, anak kan nggak akan pernah bisa. Coba ajar Naufal pelan2 untuk mengubah kebiasaannya. Semoga berhasil ya....Semoga membantu,Tera

Answer 5 : wah, makasih nich artikelnya,. ngebantu banget deh.aku udah coba kasih mimik susu ke kevin sambil duduk. dia oke2 aja tuh walaupun kadang2 botolnya dibuat maenan..he..he.. oh ya, ruth waktu bisa minum pake sedotan umur berapa ya? aku juga mo cobain kevin minum pake sedotan juga nich (dia baru 9 bulan sich, tau bisa ngak pake sedotan..^-^)oh ya para SP,aku mo nanya nich, kevin (9 bln) khan lagi mo saya belajarin pake pupy training (itu lho bebek2an buat pup..^0^) nah tapi dianya ngak mau duduk disitu. susaaaahhh banget. sampe cape deh kl mo dudukin dia disitu. abisnya tenaganya kuat banget..walhasil jadinya pupnya sambil berdiri deh...he..he..para SP bisa kasih masukan ngak ke saya gimana caranya biar dia mo duduk disitu, soalnya udah dibujuk segala cara tapi kevin tetep aja ngak mau...makasih ya semuanya
erlin st

Answer 6 : Mba Erlin,Memang butuh kesabaran dan ketelaten untuk melatih anak kita agar mandiri, dulu waktu putra saya usia 7bln udah mulai duduk sendiri saya coba latih pupnya di toilet dan kebetulan saya ga pakai toilet training yang model bebek dan sejenisnya, saya mempergunakan toilet training yang lingkarannya lebih kecil terus kakinya disanggah sama tangga kecil sehingga posisi si kecil spt kita duduk, jadi pada waktu mengejan dia punya pinjak untuk menekan. Awalnya ga mau lalu setiap pagi akan puppy saya selalu bernyanyi dari awal masuk toilet sampai bersih2 jadinya si kecil senang atau saya bercerita sambil mengenalkan nama2 benda yang ada dikamar mandi, hasilnya si kecil ga pernah takut lagi puppy ditempatnya hingga sekarang.Semoga membantu,
Efi_Andra's mom

Answer 7 : Mbak Erlin,syukurlah kalau Kevin mau belajar nge dot dengan duduk emang butuh kesabaran kok. Ruth bisa mik dari sedotan waktu umur 8 bulan. Sejak umur 7 bulan saya udah ajarin pake sippy cup tapi dia nggak suka malah akhirnya mik langsung dari gelas belum kepikiran pake sedotan. Pas baca-baca babycenter baru kepikiran ngajarin dia mik pake sedotan dan hanya trial 2 hari dia langsung bisa :-) Mengenai toiler training terus terang saya belum praktek kan ke Ruth, nunggu nanti dia umur 1 tahun. Lagi-lagi dari teori membaca sih..tapi kalau mau dikenalin toilet training earlier sih juga nggak pa pa lebih bagus ya sepertinya. Saya aja nih yang masih maunya adem ayem dulu hehehe...nunggu sebulan lagi sebelum ngenalin Ruth toilet training :-)

Answer 8 : Mba Erlin,Semoga ini bisa membantu... Ini hanya sebagian kalo mau lengkap bisa buka
Your child may have 2 or more of these symptoms:
1.. Cold symptoms - keep in mind that ear infections are almost always preceded by a cold. Often a clear runny nose will turn yellow or green before an ear infection sets in.
2.. Fussiness during the day or night
3.. Complaining of ear pain or hearing loss
4.. Night-waking more frequently
5.. Unwillingness to lie flat
6.. Fever - usually low grade (101º - 102º); may not have a fever.
7.. Sudden increase in fussiness during a cold
8.. Ear drainage - if you see blood or pus draining out of the ear, then it is probably an infection with a ruptured eardrum. DON'T WORRY! These almost always heal just fine, and once the eardrum ruptures the pain subsides.
1. No cold symptoms - if your child has some of the above symptoms but does not have a cold, an ear infection is less likely, unless your child has had an ear infection in the past without a cold. 2. Pulling at the ears or batting the ears in infants less than 1 year of age. Infants less than one are unable to precisely localize their ear pain. This means that they cannot tell that the pain is coming from the ear or from structures near the ear. Infants can pull on or bat at their ears for two other common reasons:
a.. Teething - Baby thinks the pain from sore gums is coming from the ears
b.. Because they like playing with their ears - Infants are fascinated with these strange appendages that are sticking out of the side of their head. They love to explore them, play with them, and especially to stick their finger into that strange hole in the middle. 3. No complaints of ear pain in a child who is old enough to tell you, usually by age two or three.
Pulls At Ears. Infants often pull on their ears simply to play with them. Ear pulling in the absence of the above signs is unlikely to signal an ear infection. HOW CAN I TELL IF IT'S AN EAR INFECTION OR JUST TEETHING?Are you tired of taking your fussy baby into the doctor just to check her ears, only to be told its probably just teething? TO help you decide, with teething: a.. Pain usually starts at four months of age and will come and go until the two-year molars are in. b.. Tugging or digging at the ears with no cold symptoms or fever
c.. Fussiness or night waking with no cold symptoms or fever
d.. May have low fever less than 101
e.. Teething does not cause a runny nose, only drool.

Answer 9 : Dear allMaaf belum bisa menaggapi milis Ada 2 yg saya pilih utk ditanggapi ,Donna Kalau flu berat kan hidung, terliunga, tenggorokan, semuanya sembab nah kalau tuba eustachius sembab, otomatis tekanan udara di dalam telinga tidak sama - sehingga telinga terasa sakit Sama sekali bukan berarti ada infeksi bakteria dan harus dapat antibiotika Coba uapin panas, taruh botol isi air hangat di atas telinganya, berikan parasetamol dan observe kalau flunya membaik pasti telinganya gak sakit lagi

Answer 10 : Mbak Erlin,Aku copy paste dari mengenai penyebab ear infections yach.Cairan yang masuk ke lubang telinga anak kita itu bisa disebabkan saat anak kita ngedot sambil tiduran. Gimana klo Kevin dilatih ngedot sambil duduk, dotnya dipengangin mamanya atau BS nya juga bisa tapi posisi Kevin duduk, bisa duduk sambil senderan ke dinding atau bantal yang empuk. Hal itu saya latih ke Ruth juga dan dia sekarang mau aja ngedot sambil duduk even sejak saya latih itu sebetulnya dia lebih seneng mik susu dari cup pake sedotan karena klo ngedot sambil duduk kan agak susah ya gampangan pake sippy cup or sedotan. Ya malah bagus sih biar dia nggak addicted to dot juga, nggak bikin susah hehehe.. What causes ear infections?An ear infection results when fluid and bacteria build up in the area around your baby's eardrum. Normally any fluid that enters this area leaves pretty quickly through the Eustachian tube (which connects the middle ear to the back of the nose and throat) when your baby yawns or swallows. But if the Eustachian tube is blocked - common during colds,sinus infections, even allergy season - it traps the fluid in the middle ear. Bacteria like to grow in dark, warm, wet places, so a fluid-filled ear becomes the perfect breeding ground. As the infection worsens, so does the swelling in and around the eardrum, and, as a result, the pain.Fever develops as your baby's body attempts to fight the infection.Babies are particularly susceptible to ear infections because their Eustachian tubes are short (about 1/2 inch) and horizontal. As they grow to adulthood, the tube triples in length to 1 1/2 inches and become more vertical, so fluid can drain more easily. Ear infections are one of themost common childhood illnesses. Although there are no statistics on how many babies get them, the American Academy of Pediatrics expects that most children will have gotten at least one ear infection by the time they turn 3.

Answer 11 : Dear}koreksi jugaBelum tentu ingus ijo itu infeksi apalagi anak kecil seperti rafi.Mamanya Andra sudah benar kok Buat yg ikut paket 2 - di buletin ada greenish runny nose, barangkali bisa di share sama milis

Answer 12: Mbak Erlin,Bener, emang minum sambil tidur bisa menyebabkan infeksi telinga. Hallain yang juga penting adalah kalau minum botol sambil tiduran kan menimbulkan masalah pada perkembangan gigi dan rahang anak.Sebaiknya sih kalau malam dan ingin minum, biasakan untuk memberikan minum sambil duduk atau dibangunkan. Waduh, saya dulu ngajarin aimee susah untungnya aimee gak minum botol tapi langsung ke trainng cup.Jadi mau gak mau dia harus bangun kalau mau minum.Semoga membantu.

Answer 13 : Mbak,Sekali lagi penyebab infeksi telinga (otitis media) ini tidak semata2 minum sambil tidur aja lho... tapi minum sambil tidur beresiko menyebabkan infeksi tadi. Salah satu pennyebabnya adalah pilek yang berkepanjangan.Kalau inget2 seminar dr. wati, kenapa minum susu sambil tidur bisa menyebabkan infeksi adalah karena cairannya bisa menekan dan masuk ke middle ear. Dibawah ada artikel dari dr. Sears. breastfeeding while lying down cause ear infections?"After 10-11 months of nothing worse than a cold, my one-year-old daughter has had constant ear infections. I know that giving a child a bottle while lying down can contribute to ear infections, but what about breastfeeding while lying down? We have recently started co-sleeping full time to allow me to get more sleep, so I am feeding her lying downall night. Could this be contributing to her ear infections?" It is true that drinking formula or juice while lying down can increase the risk of ear infections. This is because the liquid can enter the eustacian tube and introduce bacteria or viruses into the middle ear. The many germ-fighting ingredients in human milk keep harmful bacteria from bothering baby, so that stuffed-up noses and ears are less likely to become infected middle ears. Because breastfed babies are fed in a more upright position, they're less likely to experience milk backing up through the eustachian tube into their ears; if this does happen during a breastfeeding session, human milk is less irritating to the tissues of the middle ear than infant formula. Breastfed babies have fewer, or at least less severe, colds than formula-fed babies. Fewer colds means fewer ear infections. Breastfed babies have fewer respiratory allergies, another cause of fluid building up in the middle ear, which setts the stage for bacteria to grow.

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