utk pemakai lotus notes, supaya read receipt tdk terkirim ke milis, ini
ada caranya silakan lihat langsung di website:

"This tip is for people who are worried about getting e-mail messages that
contain a request for return receipt. When you open a message in Lotus
Notes that contains a request to send a return receipt to the sender,
Notes automatically submits the return receipt the moment you double-click
the message and open it. It doesn't even prompt you if it's OK to send a
receipt to the sender! Many of us find this annoying, especially when
there are situations where you do not want this to happen. (Like times
when you don't want your boss to know when you read the message!) Well,
here is a way to circumvent this situation... "

selebihnya di:,289483,sid4_gci958691,00.html?FromTaxonomy=%2Fpr%2F283825

Thanks & Best Regards,
Rahman Gunawan

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