Buat ayahnya Tasya, coba bapak or adiknya dateng ke perpustakaan LB LIA aja,
disana ada majalah keluaran LIA dulu namanya CONTACT sekarang nggak tau deh
udah berganti nama apa belum. Majalahnya tipis tapi banyak cerita-cerita
bisa novel,cerita humor dan IPTEK bahkan tentang budaya-budaya yang ada di
dunia. Kalo dulu saya suka ke LB LIA Slipi pak.
Moga bisa membantu.

----- Original Message -----
To: <balita-anda@balita-anda.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 2:36 PM
Subject: [balita-anda] Butuh bantuannya nih ...

kayak gene boleh ga..?? sorry jalum...biasalah siapa tahu ada yg butuh

That ring on your finger has a story to tell. Wedding rings are a tradition
that dates back to ancient times. As far as we know, primitive men and
women did not have wedding ceremonies like we do today, but early grooms
are believed to have an interesting way of showing their intentions. A man
would weave a special cord and tie it around the waist of the mate he
wanted. The belief was that when he did this, her spirit entered his body
and she was bound to him eternally.  However, due credit goes to the
ancient Egyptians as being the first people known to take their symbol for
eternity "the circle" and use it to signify the marriage union. They placed
a ring on the third finger of the left hand (a tradition we still have
today) because they believed that the "vein of love" ran directly from this
finger to the heart. These ancient rings were made of everything from
leather to bone to metal. Some of these artifacts are still being uncovered
even as modern day archeologists continue searching for the secrets of the
pyramids.  Gold wedding bands--probably the most popular type of wedding
ring in the world today--were once a sign of great prosperity. Wedding
rings were also once used as part of a groom's bride payment in arranged
marriages, and showed the groom's noble intentions. In the medieval and
Renaissance periods, royalty and the wealthy often gave wedding rings
encrusted with different gems. The plain wedding band supposedly became
popular when Queen Mary I of England married King Phillip II of Spain in
1554. She insisted on a simple ring without any gems.  Today, white gold or
platinum wedding bands are 'in'. The yellow gold rings are largely regarded
by many brides as being passé, a relic from their parents' era. Frankly,
I'd settle for a yellow ring with a 2 carat diamond anytime over plain
vanilla white gold one anytime!

source : WeddingFair


Moms and dads, aku butuh bantuannya dong..

Adikku dapat tugas untuk mencari cerita2 (bisa humor, atau serius) yang
berbahasa Inggris. Untuk studynya. Saya udah coba nyari di internet tapi
nggak dapet yah. Ada yang bisa nolongin aku nggak yah untuk ngirim cerita
pendek, atau bersambung, novel, tersebut ke aku..
Bisa melalui Jalur Pribadi aja deh biar nggak ngeganggu yang laen..

Thaks berat atas perhatiannya.


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