Iya Mbak, bener tuh informasinya. Calsium supplement yang baik adalah jika 
didalamnya mengandung Kalsium dan Magnesium dengan perbandingan 2:1. Magnesium 
membantu kerja Calsium dalam penyerapannya ke tulang. Kelebihan calsium akan 
dibuang melalui urin dan disimpan dalam tulang. Akan tetapi, konsumsi kalsium 
dalam dosis yang tinggi tidak akan mengakibatkan pengapuran.

Pengapuran adalah penyakit yang sering menimpa seseorang seiring dengan 
pertambahan usia, terutama setelah melewati pertengahan baya. Penyakit ini 
disebabkan cairan yang digunakan untuk melumasi persendian tulang kita sudah 
berkurang, sehingga terjadi penumpukan Kalsium pada persendian tulang. (cmiiw)

Oleh karena itu kita kudu pintar" mencari informasi food supplement yang baik.

-Mamanya RaRa-

-----Original Message-----
From: Rhein Astrisandy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 3:02 PM
To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Subject: [balita-anda] Fwd: The Great Calcium Hoax

da pada tau blom?
informasi ini?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: HealthWorld Online <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Apr 19, 2006 2:28 PM
Subject: The Great Calcium Hoax

 The Great Calcium Hoax *Medical Studies show that calcium supplements**
are virtually useless for treating osteoporosis.*

*Here's what you should be taking instead.*

*By Dr. Nan Kathryn Fuchs***

For years, you've been hearing that you have to take calcium for stronger
bones. And the government has raised the RDA from 500 milligrams a day to
1,000 milligrams a day.

With all that calcium we women are taking, you'd think the rate of
osteoporosis would have gone down. But it hasn't. In fact, it's gone up!

Studies show that 9 out of 10 postmenopausal women have osteoporosis to some
degree. And over a million of those women suffer from bone fractures every

In fact, if you're a woman over 60, your chance of having a hip fracture is
equal to your risk of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer combined!

>From there, it only gets worse. Half of hip fracture sufferers don't regain
the ability to walk.and 13% die within 6 months of the fracture.

What's going on? I'll tell you what's going on. Despite all those messages
urging you to drink more milk and take more calcium, the problem isn't that
you're getting too little calcium... it's that you're getting too much!

That's right, too much. Here are the facts:

*FACT:* American women already have one of the highest levels of calcium
consumption in the world. They also have one of the highest rates of

*FACT:* Women in Asia and India consume just a fraction of the calcium that
we do...yet rarely get osteoporosis or arthritis!

*FACT:** *No matter how much calcium you consume, this calcium cannot be
absorbed into your bones without the help of magnesium!

Experts estimate that most American women (even those taking mineral
supplements) have a magnesium deficiency. Which means that if you're like
most women, all that calcium you're taking is not being absorbed! What
happens to that extra unabsorbed calcium?

► Some gets into your muscles, causing them to contract too much, and even
contributing to muscle cramps and "unexplainable" pains ("fibromyalgia")...

► Some gets stuck in your joints, where it can cause arthritis...

► Some collects in your kidneys, where it can form kidney stones...

► And some collects in your arteries, where it forms rock-hard plaque
deposits that contribute to heart disease!

So if you want to prevent these ailments, you should take twice as much
magnesium as calcium! Here are just a few of the ways magnesium heals your

*Health Benefit Number 1:*
*It Reverses Osteoporosis...*

Several studies show that magnesium not only slows down bone loss but
actually reverses it! In one such study, gynecologist Dr. Guy Abraham gave a
reversed calcium-to-magnesium formula to several hundred older women.
Result: Women in the study increased their bone density by an average of

When you consider the fact that the average postmenopausal woman loses about
1% of bone mass per year, that means the women in the study actually
regained a DECADE'S worth of bone loss!

*Health Benefit Number 2:*
*It Prevents Heart Attacks...*

Heart disease is by far the number one killer of women. And according to
several studies, the vast majority of people who suffer from heart attacks
have magnesium deficiencies. I've already told you about how magnesium keeps
calcium from building up in your arteries. But that's just the beginning.
Magnesium also helps maintain your heart's smooth, regular beat. Here's how:

Magnesium causes muscles to relax ...while calcium causes them to contract.
So while a proper balance of calcium and magnesium keeps the heart muscle
working properly, an excess of calcium can cause the muscles to contract too
much...leading to the muscle spasms we know as a heart attack!

The medical world has long been aware of calcium's dangerous effect on heart
muscle. That's why the most widely prescribed heart medications are calcium
channel blockers - drugs that prevent calcium from entering your heart.

Well, you don't have to wait for your doctor to try and save your life with
those dangerous drugs. You can protect your heart, starting today, by taking
magnesium. The prestigious American Heart Journal calls it "nature's calcium
channel blocker!"

*Additional Health Benefits:*
*It Relieves Migraines... Insomnia...Depression...And More!*

Fighting osteoporosis and preventing heart disease and arthritis are just
the tip of the iceberg for this versatile nutrient. Studies show that
magnesium is also effective in healing migraine
headaches...insomnia...depression... PMS...high blood pressure ...
backache ... constipation ... kidney stones . and chronic fatigue!

What's more, magnesium helps fight food cravings! It's no accident that many
women get chocolate cravings before and during their periods. You see, PMS
is caused by low levels of magnesium...and cocoa is one of the world's most
magnesium-rich foods!

There's a lot more I can tell you about magnesium, but I don't have room to
do it in this message. That's why I'd like to send you a report I've written
called New Breakthroughs for Preventing and Reversing Osteoporosis. In it,
you'll get the full story on this miraculous mineral and how it can help

You'll find out why most mineral supplements on the market contain the wrong
amounts of calcium and magnesium. You'll find out the correct dosages to
take...plus the form of magnesium that is easiest for your body to digest
and assimilate. And you'll also find which foods are richest in
magnesium...and which foods to avoid. (They bind with magnesium and prevent
your body from absorbing it!)

It's all in your Special Report, and with your permission, I'd like to send
you a copy absolutely free.

Keep reading: 

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Tetap semangat

Rhein Astrisandy

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