----Maaf jika tidak berkenan, ini OOT – dan demi kemanusiaan.----


Dear All dimanapun Anda berada, 

Tinggal 5 hari lagi until we Walk the World! We've created a day-by-day
countdown to help you make the most out of this historic event.


Today: Are you a sponsored walker? How are you doing with your fundraising
goal? There's still time to get donations. You can also invite local
companies to support the Walk!


Thursday: Take a minute today to visit  <http://www.fighthunger.org>
http://www.fighthunger.org and read the latest news about the Walk on 21
May. Don't forget to check the information about the Walk you're attending!


Friday: Make a checklist of items you want to bring on the Walk. Have a
camera? Be sure to grab it! And check the weather: you may need to bring a
sunhat, a sweater or an umbrella.


Saturday: Just one day until the Walk! Make sure your walking shoes are
comfortable, and if you're not used to walking, "limber up." Get those
muscles moving!


Walk the World 21 May! Today's the big day! Have fun and remember that your
action today will make a world of difference for hungry children everywhere.


I hope this countdown helps you get ready for a great event on 21 May. Thank
you so much for your commitment to help end child hunger. 

With appreciation,


 <http://www.fighthunger.org> www.fighthunger.org



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