sorry klo dah pernah dpt....
 Potentially and Reality
One day the youngest son of a family asking his
father about the difference between potentially
and reality.

Son : dad, can you tell me what is the difference
between potentially and 
Dad : Sure son, I'll show you the difference,
c'mon follow me...

The father went to the mother, and asked a simple
question to her

Dad : honey, if Brad Pitt wanted to sleep with you
and he is willing to give
you 1 million dollar after that, will you do it?
Mom : Sure I will..... I wouldn't miss the

Then he went to his daughter and asking the same
question as before

Dad : honey, if Brad Pitt wanted to sleep with you
and he is willing to give
you 1 million dollar after that, will you do it?
Daughter : hell yes..... he's the sexiest man on

Last he went to his first son and asking the same 
question as before

dad : son, if Brad Pitt wanted to sleep with you
and he is willing to give you
1 million dollar after that, will you do it?
1st son : well dad........ I'll do it for the money

Then he smiled and told his youngest son

dad : son..... now you should be able to see the
difference between
potentially and reality from those answers.
Potentially, we should have
3 million dollars but in reality we are living 
with 2 bitches and a gay

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