Mbak Enni,

he..he.. waktu kuliah dulu suka dibilang Mayonnaise itu salah satu contoh
emulsi... so pasti ada zat emultornya dong :).

Salah satu info yang bisa dilihat:  Dari
info itu, disebutkan kalau mayonnaise itu dibuat dari kuning telur yang
diemulsikan dengan minyak nabati, cuka (or juice lemon), mustard dan garam
sebagai emultor.

Karena nggak tahu merk yang dipakai mbak Enny, bisa coba dibandingkan yang
dibeli mbak dengan  jenis-jenis mayonnaise dari kutipan info dari website
yang sama
"Mayonnaise is one of the mother sauces of classic French cooking, so it is
the base for many other chilled sauces and salad dressings. For example:
* Aioli is olive oil mayonnaise combined with garlic.
* Tartar sauce is mayonnaise spiced with pickled cucumbers and onion.
Capers, olives, and crushed hardboiled eggs are sometimes included.
* Russian dressing (also known as Marie Rose sauce in Europe) is mayonnaise
with tomato sauce or ketchup and yoghurt or heavy cream added.
* Thousand Island dressing is Russian dressing with pickles and herbs.
* Tuna sauce is mayonnaise with tuna steaks, capers and anchovies.
* Fry sauce is a mixture of mayonnaise, ketchup, and spices, commonly eaten
on french fries, especially in the U.S. state of Utah
* Mayonesa is a lime-flavored mayonnaise, usually found in Mexican or
Spanish grocers' in North America.

Mayonnaise is commonly used as sandwich spread in North America; on chips in
northern Europe (especially in the Low Countries, though increasingly in the
United Kingdom and France) and in parts of Canada and Australia; on cold
chicken or hard-boiled eggs in France; and on sushi, chicken pieces, and
pizza in Japan.

Sylvia - mum to Jovan & Rena

On 6/2/06, Enni Purwanty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 zat2 emultor yg ga boleh buat baby 1y apa aja yah?ada artikelnya ga?

-----Original Message-----
From: Sylvia Radjawane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Mayonaise tuk 1th?-->was: RESEP camilan anak2

Untuk make sure, coba cermati lagi komposisi mayonnaise di label botolnya.
Mungkin lebih cermati seasonings lain (selain zat-zat emultor) yang
belum boleh untuk Sanino.


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