Kalau saya bakalan kepakai terus mba..ga sanggup beli tivi siyy..hihi...

OKe dech thanks for all yach... atas segala masupannya..... sekarang kita
udah punya pegangan buat berspekulasi sama wong pasar ...


Aku pake yg pixel view TV Pro 2. Mayan, bisa bwat nonton TV dan
dengerin radio. Bwat Tv, klo bisa pake antene luar, klo pake antena
dalem gambarnya kurang bagus.

Sekarang sih gak pernah dipake lagi, coz aku dan misua itu orangnya
angot2an. Seneng coba2 aja, abis itu malah dianggurin. ^_^

Carinya bisa di toko2 komputer spt di mangdu, di ambasador jg ada
kali. Klo di Tangerang bisa cari di Lippo Karawaci mall.

Best regards,
Angina's Mom

Tuesday, June 6, 2006, 10:16:33 AM, you wrote:

AS> Gadmei TV Tuner Ext 1228E Rp. 150.000
AS> Pixelview TV USB 400 (FM,Rec,Schedule Rec,Burd 2 Mpeg) Rp. 572.000
AS> Pixel View Play Tv Pro 2 Rp. 250.000
AS> tem bisa Capture+Fm Rp. 211.000
AS> Coba cari aja di M2 Mall/Dusit M2

AS> -----Original Message-----
AS> Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 9:48 AM
AS> To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
AS> Subject: [balita-anda] TV Tuner + Radio

AS> mbas en mass,
AS> kira kira ada yg tahu dimana jual tv tuner + radio ga..?? berikut harga
AS> merk nya...

AS> mau dong..

AS> resa

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