Maaf OOT, just share aja..

Just A reminder for todays's event which all of us have to make it happen

Know Something interesting about FIFA world cup

Brazil won the world cup in 1994. Before that, BRAZIL had won this title for 
the last time in 1970.

If you add up: 1970 + 1994 = 3964

Argentina won the world cup for the last time in 1986. Before that only in 1978.

And 1978 + 1986 = 3964

Germany , though, won the world cup in 1990. Before that, Germany won in 1974.

Look: 1990 + 1974 = 3964

This could lead us to guess the winner of the World Cup in 2002, since it 
should be the winner
of the 1962 World Cup (In fact 3964 - 2002 = 1962).

And Brazil won the world cup in 1962! (And, in fact, Brazil won the 2002 WC)

This numerology seems to work...

And now, who would be the winner of the 2006 world cup?

Let's see, 3964 - 2006 = 1958

And who won in 1958?....

Oh, Brazil did!!!

kok bisa ? beneran gak seh?? binun deh @#$%^&*!

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