yang berhubungan dengan anak-anak?


What Is Pneumonia?
Pneumonia (say: new-mo-nya) is an infection of one or both lungs. To know
what that means, you have to know something about lungs and what they do.
When you breathe in, you pull oxygen into your lungs. That oxygen travels
through breathing tubes and eventually gets into your blood through the
alveoli (say: al-vee-oh-lie).

Alveoli are tiny air sacs covered in tiny blood vessels called
capillaries. How can something so small get oxygen into your blood? You
have about 600 million of them! When oxygen-rich air reaches the alveoli,
it can be absorbed into the blood. Then your red blood cells can carry
oxygen all over your body. The body needs oxygen to keep working properly
and to stay alive.

But if a person has pneumonia, his or her lungs can't do this important
job very well. Why? Because this kind of infection creates fluid that
blocks the alveoli. This makes it hard for oxygen to get deep into the
lungs, where it can be passed through to the blood. The person can still
breathe, but it might be hard to breathe, especially if the pneumonia
affects both lungs.

Pneumonia can happen to people at any age, from tiny babies to really old
people. Getting wet doesn't cause pneumonia, but an infection from
bacteria or a virus does. A cold or flu that gets worse can turn into
pneumonia. That's because the cold or flu will irritate the lungs,
creating an environment where it's easier for pneumonia germs to move in
and start an infection.

How Does It Feel?
Most kids with pneumonia will feel sick. The symptoms can vary depending
on a kid's overall health and whether it's caused by a virus or bacteria.
With bacterial pneumonia, a kid might feel sick suddenly and often has a
high fever with chills. The viral kind of pneumonia might happen more
slowly and take longer to go away.

Either way, a kid might feel like he or she has the flu with a headache,
fever, muscle aches, and a cough. Pneumonia often causes chest pain, too -
and a feeling like you can't quite catch your breath. The kid might be
breathing faster than usual and may cough up gloppy mucus. Pneumonia can
even make a kid feel sick to his or her stomach and not want to eat at
all. It's not much fun, but with the right treatment, most kids with
pneumonia recover completely.

What Do Doctors Do?
To diagnose pneumonia, a doctor will first ask you questions about how you
are feeling - including how well you're breathing - and examine you. The
doctor will listen to your chest with a stethoscope (say:
steh-thuh-skope). We usually think about stethoscopes listening for
heartbeats, but they help doctors hear what's going on in your lungs, too.

Your lungs don't beat, but the doctor can hear the sounds they're making.
If there's fluid in there - a sign of pneumonia - he or she might be able
to hear bubbling or crackling sounds called rales (say: rowls).

If your doctor thinks you could have pneumonia, he or she may order a
chest X-ray. On an X-ray, the doctor might be able to see signs of the
pneumonia infection. Any buildup of fluid or infection often shows up as a
cloudy, patchy white area in the usual see-through spaces of the lungs.
The X-ray can help to tell if the infection is from bacteria.

No More Pneumonia
If the pneumonia is caused by bacteria, antibiotic medicine will be given.
If the doctor thinks you won't be able to keep the medicine down, or if
you are having trouble breathing, the treatment might be given in the
hospital through an IV.

Antibiotics won't work on viruses, so if that's the cause of the
pneumonia, only fever reducers and sometimes cough medicine will be given.
No matter which germ caused the pneumonia, getting rest and drinking
plenty of fluids is always recommended.

Pneumonia Prevention
There are several ways to keep from getting pneumonia. One is to get all
your shots because one of them can prevent a type of pneumonia called
pneumococcal (say: new-mo-cock-al) pneumonia. Getting a flu shot can also
help guard against getting pneumonia, particularly in kids who have asthma
or certain other lung conditions. Getting enough rest is also very
important since lack of sleep can make it hard for your immune system to
fight infections.

What else? Wash your hands, of course. Regularly washing your hands with
soap and water can keep you from getting colds, the flu, and picking up
other nasty germs that can cause pneumonia. So wash those germs down the

Reviewed by: Kate Cronan, MD
Date reviewed: October 2005
Originally reviewed by: Raj Padman, MD

Thanks & Best Regards,
Rahman Gunawan

"Afianty, Nurita" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 07/04/2006
08:54:25 AM:

> Dear mom's & dad's,
> Ada yg punya artikel ttg pneumonia gak ya, please dong
> Thanks in advance ya

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