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Re: [balita-anda] cacar air

Rahman Gunawan
Fri, 30 Jun 2006 04:18:34 -0700

mba Noni,
ada cara sederhana warisan dari ancestor, jagung diparut sampe halus. nah,
parutan jagung yg sudah halus itu diusap-usap ke kulit kayak kita pakai
kalo ramuan dari daerah makasar ada juga, semacam tanaman yg di Makasar
disebut "kasumba terate" di minum selama 3 hari berturut-turut. Setelah
cacarnya kering baru deh pake ramuan parutan jagung yg dibalurin di tubuh
biar ga berbekas.

gogling di archieve:
kalo dokter biasanya kasi salep lotion carnolibe kadang juga dikasi
acyclovir, konon yang terakhir ini yang bagus pdhal acyclovir ini buat
herpes ya?.

kalo info lain dari www.sehatgroup.web.id semoga makin memperjelas tentang
chickenpox/cacar air

Chickenpox is a highly contagious illness that should become much
less a part of childhood as more children are given the Varivax
vaccine. Chickenpox is caused by the varicella zoster virus and
occurs most commonly in late winter or early spring. Unvaccinated
children usually develop symptoms about ten to twenty-one days after
being exposed to someone with chickenpox (incubation period).
Since the introduction of the chickenpox vaccine, cases of
chickenpox in children have decreased almost 70-90%. The vaccine has
also decreased the number of missed school days that children have.

Symptoms begin with a low grade fever, loss of appetite and
decreased activity. About two days later, your child will develop an
itchy rash consisting of small red bumps that start on the scalp,
face and trunk and then spread to the arms and legs (but may also
occur in the mouth and genitalia). The bumps then become blisters
with clear and then cloudy fluid, and then become open sores and
finally crust over within about twenty four hours, but your child
will continue to get new bumps for about four more days.

All of the chickenpox lesions should be crusted over after about six
days at which time your child will no longer be contagious. It may
take another one to two weeks before all of the scabs finally heal.
Once your child has had chickenpox he should have lifelong immunity.

There is no effective treatment for children who develop
uncomplicated chickenpox, but if your child is given the Varivax
vaccine within 72 hours of being exposed to someone with chickenpox,
it may help prevent him from becoming infected. The only treatments
are aimed at making your child more comfortable, and can include
pain relievers, plenty of fluids, oatmeal baths, calamine lotion,
and oral Benadryl for severe itchiness. Also keep your child's
fingernails cut short and allow him to wear loose fitting clothing.

Treatment with acyclovir, an antiviral medication that can help to
decrease the symptoms of chickenpox, should be considered for
children at risk of developing a severe case of chickenpox. This
includes children with pulmonary disorders, on steroid medications,
or with immune system problems.

Another medication, Varicella Zoster Immune Globulin (VZIG), can be
given as a preventative medication to children at high risk for
developing a severe case of chickenpox as soon as they are exposed
to someone with chickenpox (and within 96 hours) to help prevent
them from getting infected. High risk children who are considered
candidates for VZIG include those with immune system problems,
pregnant women who have never had chickenpox and newborns whose
mother developed chickenpox within 5 days before delivery or two
days after delivery.

You should call your doctor if your child has chickenpox and the
blisters become very red and tender, drain pus, if your child has
high fever for more than 3-4 days or is unconsolable, has swollen
and tender glands or if he is unable to drink and is becoming


After having chickenpox, the chickenpox virus stays dormant in your
body. In some children, it can become reactivated and cause
shingles. The main symptoms of shingles is a rash on one side of the
body that begins as a cluster of red bumps. These bumps then change
into small blisters or vesicles that soon crust over. Your child may
also feel itchy, but will otherwise be well. The rash usually
continues to develop for a few days and then completely crust over
and go away in about seven to ten days without treatment.
stelah anak terkena cacar air, virus akan mendem ditubuh [hehe, ketlingsut
bhs Indo yg bener buat dormant]. beberapa anak bisa tertular kembali dan
menyebabkan shingles.

Children with shingles are contagious and can transmit chickenpox to
others who aren't immune. Direct contact with the rash is necessary
to be contagious, so he does not need to stay home from school if
you can keep the rash completely covered.
spanjang bintik merah bisa tertutupi dg baik, cacar air umumnya bisa
tdk menular.
penulaan bisa melalui kontak langsung dg si bintik cacar.
[note, terjemahan bebas dr aku...biar get the pointnya aja]
Thanks & Best Regards,
Rahman Gunawan

"Noni Mira Timotius" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 06/30/2006 06:04:37

No virus was detected in the attachment no filename

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udah pada pulang ya...

mo nanya dong... kalo kena cacar air, bisa pake salep apa buat ngilangin
dulu pernah punya, bagus juga sih, jadi cacar airnya gak keliatan
sama sekali
tapi daku lupa namanya

tolong yah kalo ada yg tau

On 7/11/06, Natalia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Para ayah dan bunda,maap saya mau tanya. Mungkin ada yang bisa bantu.
Kalau seorang anak pernah kena penyakit cacar, apakah ada kemungkinan
tertular kembali?? Pada fase apa ya, cacar menular ke orang lain?? Apakah
pada masa penyembuhan (bagi pengidap cacar) atau pada saat penderita itu
menderita sakit cacar???. Maap bahasanya kurang tertata,tapi mudah-mudahan
dapat dimengerti. Terima kasih.
Lia - mamanya aji-

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