Hypnotherapy is the application of hypnosis as a form of treatment,
usually for relieving pain or conditions related to one's state of mind.
Practitioners believe that when a client enters, or believes he has
entered, a state of trance, the patient is more receptive to suggestion
and other therapy. The most common use of hypnotherapy is to remedy
maladies like obesity, smoking, pain, ego, anxiety, stress, amnesia,
phobias, and performance but many others can also be treated by hypnosis,
including functional disorders like Irritable Bowel Syndrome

di indonesia ada salah satu yang terkenal,
Yan Nurindra adalah seorang Human Achievement Specialist dan pembicara
publik yang sangat aktif di berbagai seminar Motivasi & Kepemimpinan,
Manajemen & Marketing, serta merupakan Instruktur yang paling terkemuka di
kawasan Indonesia & Asean untuk bidang pelatihan Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy,
dan Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).

Thanks & Best Regards,
Rahman Gunawan

dhani resya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 07/13/2006 07:11:26 AM:

> dulu kakakku sama papaku pernah ikut kursus
> hypnotherapy cuma aku kurang tau daftarnya di mana.
> ada milisnya juga kalo ga salah nama milisnya
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ato kalo mau lebih
> jelas bisa hubungi kakakku di [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> dengan erna.

> sory kalo ga banyak bantu.

> --- "Cecil S. Sasmita" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Moms/Dads,
> >
> > Ada yg tau tmp Hypnotherapy ga ya?
> >
> > Thank's
> > Cecil

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