emangnya mungkin ga sih bawa dry ice terbuka gitu aja? dry ice itu gas CO2
dipadatkan. bentuknya memang persis seperti es.. kalau dipegang rasanya
gak dingin tetapi malahan panas ... Saking dinginnya hingga terasa panas
kalopun perlu ice aku pakainya blue ice yang dari coleman.

ini da tips dr website favorit:

Plan to pick up the Dry Ice as close to the time it is needed as possible.
If possible pack insulating items such as sleeping bags around the ice
chest. This will stretch the time that the Dry Ice lasts. If it is
transported inside a car or van (not in the trunk) for more than 10
minutes make sure there is fresh air. After 15 minutes with Dry Ice only
in its paper bag in the passenger seat next to me, I started to breathe
faster and faster as though I were running a race. I couldn't figure out
why I was so out of breath until I saw the car air system was set in the
re-circulated position, not fresh outside air.

Thanks & Best Regards,
Rahman Gunawan

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