Coba chloramfecort deh mbak.. Anaku seminggu yang lalu kena ruam popok.. manjur deh
Thanks, Muthi Find the power of your Rp 10 rebu On 7/17/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
masih ada lukanya ga mbak .. klo dah kering .. dan cuman ngilangin bekasnya aja bisa dicoba nutrimoist dr CNI (cmiiw .. bener ga tulisannya ) .. kapan hari anak temenku kena herpes di pipinya .. setelah obat dokter abis ternyata msh ada bekasnya (cewek lagi) akhirnya di kasih nutrimoist ini .. Puji Tuhan ilang bekasnya n kembali mulus .. lus .. lus .. Devi, mama GabbyGo To: "balita-anda" <> cc: "Noni Mira Timotius" Subject: [balita-anda] salep kulit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Others, 17/07/2006 01:13 PM *********************** No virus was detected in the attachment no filename Your mail has been scanned by InterScan. ***********-*********** dear all, mo crita dikit nih... hari kamis, jam 2.30 pagi, jonathan bangun trus maksa mau maen keluar rumah... hehehe akhirnya, diajak ke teras... di depan rumah, dia nemu kupu-kupu agak gede (ntah jenis apa) yang langsung ditangkep dan dikucek-kucek sampe hancur lebur... efeknya, di bagian leher jadi merah (agak panas kayaknya) dan sedikit melepuh (kayak kena minyak panas) sempet diolesin salep phenergant beberapa kali, dan jadi agak mendingan (lukanya kering, kayak luka parut bekas jatuh) tapi sekarang salepnya abis, dan setelah dicek di beberapa apotek, katanya salep ini gak diproduksi lagi minta saran dong, untuk ngilangin bekas luka ini sebaiknya dikasih salep apa ya? cukup gak pake bioplacenton aja? makasih saran-sarannya -noni- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kirim bunga, Info balita: unsubscribe dari milis, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED] menghubungi admin, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ," DISCLAIMER : The information contained in this communication (including any attachments) is privileged and confidential, and may be legally exempt from disclosure under applicable law. It is intended only for the specific purpose of being used by the individual or entity to whom it is addressed. If you are not the addressee indicated in this message (or are responsible for delivery of the message to such person), you must not disclose, disseminate, distribute, deliver, copy, circulate, rely on or use any of the information contained in this transmission. We apologize if you have received this communication in error; kindly inform the sender accordingly. Please also ensure that this original message and any record of it is permanently deleted from your computer system. We do not give or endorse any opinions, conclusions and other information in this message that do not relate to our official business. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kirim bunga, Info balita: unsubscribe dari milis, e-mail ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED] menghubungi admin, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]