A car bomb exploded near the entrance to the Marirot Hotel during lunch    
 hour today, causing significant damage to the front of the hotel. Initial  
 media and police reports suggest at least seven people were killed and 64  
 injured after a bomb that appears to have been planted in a Silver Bird    
 taxi exploded. Additional casualties are anticipated. It is not known      
 whether the vehicle was occupied. Fires were seen burning in the hotel     
 restaurant and lobby area more than an hour after the explosion at about   
 p.m. The timing, location and size of the bombing indicates the            
 bombers intended to strike at what they perceived to be a Western target   
 and aimed to inflict considerable casualties.                              
 It is too early to other than speculate on who might be responsible for    
 the bombing. But it does fit with the known modus operandi of Jemaah       
 Islamiah. There was no prior warning of the bombing and no claims of       
 responsibility. Police and foreign security officials have uncovered       
 evidence in recent times that JI has been actively planning further        
 bombings, following its attack in Bali on 12 October. This act brings to   
 fruition the often-repeated fears                                          
 of Western embassies and security agencies over the potential for attacks  
 on so-called soft targets.                                                 
 In light of today's events, clients are advised to review and enforce      
 office and residential security procedures. As yet, there is no            
 information on whether the bombing is intended to be part of a chain of    
 attacks. But, consistent with advice over the past several months, it is   
 prudent to exercise a high level of caution and, if possible, to avoid     
 locations where Westerners are known to congregate, including hotels and   
 places of entertainment.                                                   
 The police bomb squad is at the scene of the bombing, and have only just   
 started to investigate. Necessarily information on the circumstances and   
 those responsible remains sketchy. AGI will continue to inform clients as  
 information comes to hand. It will also follow with advice on security     

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