quite surprising!


'Freakonomics': What Makes a Perfect Parent?
Authors Tackle Child-Rearing, and Their Conclusions
Might Surprise You

Feb. 17, 2006 - - If you're like most parents, you
would probably do almost anything to help your child
get a good start, right?

You'd probably be a lot like Afsaneh Malaekeh, a woman
we met in a Los Angeles playground with her
1½-year-old son.

"He actually gets no TV time," she said, chuckling.
"And we read to him; we have since he was really
small, like three months old. And we take him to the
museum. And he gets to travel a lot."

Malaekeh is clearly a caring, conscientious parent.
But if the numbers are to be believed, none of the
things she listed will actually help her son, at least
not on standardized tests.

Steven Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner, co-authors of the
best-selling "Freakonomics," pored through a massive
government database called the Early Childhood
Longitudinal Study. Starting in the late 1990s, it
followed 20,000 American children, collecting
information on many aspects of their lives. Levitt and
Dubner used the ECLS to see what helps young children
do well on tests.

"Not only does it measure their scores," said Dubner.
"It also conducts extensive interviews with the
families of the kids, so we know a lot about each
family and what they do in the family."

What were some of the results? Take a look, and try to
guess which factors correlate to higher test scores.

+The mother was 30 or older when she gave birth to her
first child.
+The mother left work to be with her child between
birth and kindergarten.

Ready? Being a mother over 30 strongly correlated to
stronger test scores in her child, but taking time off
to raise her child did not.

Why? In "Freakonomics," Dubner and Levitt write that
the older mother "tends to be a woman who wanted to
get some advanced education or develop traction in her
career. She is also likely to want a child more than a
teenage mother wants a child."

That seems reasonable enough, but why didn't it matter
if the mother was home for the formative years? Dubner
and Levitt say they can't find a logical reason. "That
is what the data tell us," they write.

Here's another pairing:

+The child has many books in the home.
+The parents read to their child every day.

Sitting down? Reading a book to your kids every day
did not seem to correlate to higher test scores. But
owning books did.

If you're confused by that, think of the parents we
interviewed in different parts of the country.

"Reading to kids every day?" asked Heather Pack of Los
Angeles. "How can that ever be bad?

"I thought that was Parenting 101," said Catherine
Gilmore of Glen Ridge, N.J. "Read to your children
every day from when they were born."

And as for the effect of books on the shelves? "You
think, well, are these books just magic somehow?" said
Stephen Dubner. "Do these books just cause

"Well, no," he continued. "Much more likely is that
any family that has 100 children's books in the home
is likely to be pretty highly educated to begin with,
is starting out with a pretty high IQ, and values or
treasures or rewards education to begin with."

Here are some more factors that are strongly
correlated with higher test scores:

+The parents are highly educated.
+The parents speak English in the home.
+The parents are involved in the PTA at school.

Here are some other factors that aren't:

#The child's family is intact (no divorces, the
parents were married when they conceived).
#The child is regularly spanked.
#The child frequently watches television.

If you're thoroughly flummoxed by now, Dubner said
that the ECLS data only show correlations between
different factors and children's test scores; they do
not necessarily establish cause and effect. But there
still are useful hints here about what matters in

"If you are smart, hard-working, well educated, well
paid and married to someone equally fortunate, then
your children are more likely to succeed," write
Levitt and Dubner. "(Nor does it hurt, in all
likelihood, to be honest, thoughtful, loving, and
curious about the world.) But it isn't a matter of
what you do as a parent; it's who you are."

There is more at www.freakonomics.com, and at Ned
Potter's blog:

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